
Would it be better to finish 9th or just start homeschooling whenever?

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Not saying that I AM going to homeschool. I want to. My mom and I have been discussing it and she has been saying "IF I decide to homeschool you, you will finish 9th grade first, then we'd homeschool in 10th."

But, really, I don't see the point. I mean, if I'm ready to homeschool.. just start now whether than stay in public school and hate it.

So, what would be better: Finish the grade I am, then homeschool next school year or start now?




  1. hey i'm in 9th too my mom wouldnt let me be homeschooled. but instead i'm doing this online public school.. its like a classroom on the computer lol and you do it at start at 7:45am though so like right when you wake up you don't even have to get ready you just go straight to your computer and start school lol.

    they dont have it in all states but you can go to the website and see if they have it in your state.

    if you read this add me on myspace...cuz u seem a lot like me i read your about me on yahoo answers. i'm in 9th, 14, i'm really really shy, but id rather talk online, i luv blink 182!! ahh ur a lot like me lol add->

  2. I would say start in 10th grade.  This will give your mom time to pick a curriculum and time to get everything organized.

  3. Homeschooling has it's pros and cons just like public school. However, starting homeschooling in the middle of the year is not a very wise choice. If you quit public school to homeschool in the middle of the semester, you will fall behind. It's hard to catch up. Just try to stick it out the remaining six months and then switch. Besides, you may change your mind. Also keep in mind that you won't be seeing your friends every day and it becomes difficult to keep normal relationships.

  4. first it depends on local law

    some place require you file notification by a certain date otherwise you have to wait another year.

  5. We started homeschooling midyear several years ago, and I'm so glad we did. It wouldn't have served any purpose to stay in a situation that was not benefitting anyone, and it gave us a chance to get our feet wet knowing that we'd only lost half a year if we completely failed at homeschooling.

    Having said that, your mom's the one who has to make the decision and live with the responsibility of the result. Though I see things so differently on this side of the fence, there was a time when I didn't know if homeschooling could possibly work for us. I was very concerned that I would fail my children. I can see why your mom is hesitant. How we educate our children is a huge decision that can have life altering results.

    However, now I see through a whole different lens and believe that there's so much to be gained by homeschooling. I see putting my kids back in public school as the risky option now. I would encourage anyone who seriously wants to try homeschooling to go ahead and try it. It's easier to start back in public school at the beginning of the school year when everyone is a little rusty from summer vacation than to go back midyear when everyone (but you) is already well into the rhythm of things.

    Maybe you could tell your mom you want to give it just one semester. You could suggest that now would be a great time so you could start fresh at the beginning of 10th grade should homeschooling not work for you.

    Ultimately, I would strongly advise you to honor your mom's decision and try your best to understand her point of view. When all you know is the world of public school, homeschooling can seem like a huge leap of faith. Sometimes it's a hard leap to take.

  6. Go to the 9th and finish homeschool. Maybe u will change your mind. School is a fun thing

  7. I agree with mhad...if you absolutely must get out of school, then wait till semester. Other than that I'd finish out the year.

    Fyi, Homeschool can be great but you have to be extremely deciplined. I thought I was but not always. I also don't feel I was prepped enough for college. This is my senior year and I'm taking 2 college classes for high school credit...mistake on my part. Plus I hate thinking of what all I missed out on (good and bad) but I'm content with who I am and thats what you should strive for.

  8. Show mom that you really want to obey her. Make a good point if you really want to start Homeschool and follow the desire of your heart. I don't know much about traditional school curriculum in US. But here in our country it is very different. My eldest son now 9th, started Homeschool in 3rd grade, compared to my daugther now 7th, started 1st grade, she is doing much better compared to my eldest. Even my eldest can notice that and he decided to read my 7th old paces.What happens to him is,  like reading a novel, started reading at Chapter 3.

    Maybe because your mom was thinkin' of the expenses and the fees you've already paid in your present school.

    I can see you really love to learn at home, you are on the right track...

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