
Would it be cheaper to drive or catch trains down through france..?

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..from paris through central and south france through monaco and then to italy finally rome? would it be cheaper to hire a car and drive or catch trains? would going through switzerland and austria down to italy be a better route? which towns would you stop at in france along these routes?




  1. If you're trying to go mostly to small towns and there are a couple of you, drive. Stay off the toll highways which are very expensive.

    Trains are not super cheap and going to smaller towns can take a while what with the connections and fewer trains.

  2. The price either by train of by car would entirely depend on the petrol prices. when you drive you get to your destination tired. the train is more comfortable I think................

  3. if you want to do the countryside then drive....if you are mostly doing towns then driving or the train is fine.  

    get a map so you have a sense of where you want to stop as timing is important ...

  4. Looking strictly at costs, taking the train will be cheaper if you're traveling alone or with just one other person.

    Cost of TGV train ticket from Paris to Nice, without discounts of any kind and in 2nd class, is approximately 89 euros.

    Cost of driving from Paris to Nice on the "autoroute" highway system includes gas/petrol price for 920 km of driving, cost of tolls or "péage" charged all along the highway system (approx 70 euros for this trip), wear on the car, and possibly on the driver's nerves.

    If you have a short amount of time, don't go through many countries or even make many hurried stops. Pick a handful of places that stand out for you, and soak in their atmosphere by staying at least a full day and night.  

    In my opinion, fast trips across too many sights can turn into one gigantic blur. Slow trips make for memories that linger.

    If you're in the South East part of France, in Provence Azur, come visit our site for tips on off-the-beaten-path places to visit or hike:

    Have a great time!

  5. Would take the trains in France (where possible the TGV). In Switzerland it's great travelling by trains (also the scenery) but be careful in Italy. They might not stick to the schedule (quite usual staff) and you loose your connections.Hiring a care gives you more personal freedom and if you have enough time I'd do so. France is big and beautyful but pls don't ask me where to stop otherwise you won't get ahead with all my Insider tips...

  6. In France it all depends on your age. You can get some good discounts for train tickets if you are under 26 or above 60 or if you are a student. If you pay full price take a car, it will  be around the same price, cheaper if you don't take the toll roads.

    If you don't want a long drive, bite the bullet and take the train. It is only five to six hours from Paris to Nice at the Italian border with the TGV. It is at a minimum a 20 hours drive by car.

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