
Would it be cruel for me to breed bettas just to see the whole process?

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I like to plant thinks to see them grow and I like to see animals have young ones and take of them. I just enjoy the process. I plan on donating the young ones to a pet shop when they are about 1 inch. What's your take on this? Is it selfish of me to do this? I'll probably keep 6 of them, but I don't really want to take care of all those fish (I hear the female can have as much as 200 eggs)




  1. no its not selfish. But it would be selfish if you were just going to flush them down the toilet or fight them. I would get a 10 gallon tank and put all the females in it. And donate the males.  

  2. Of course it's not cruel! You are just helping Betta's do what they were born to do: have kids. I want to breed them too, but do not have the time and money to do it. :( I just want to see them embrace, and the male picking up the eggs.

    About the pet store: Make sure that your Betta's are in a good environment, e.g. in at least a 1 gallon air, and have the water changed at LEAST once a week. If not, then give them away to friends who you know will take good care of them.  

    By the way, female produces up to 500 eggs.

    Here's a good website:

    Have fun breeding!

  3. no its ok i breed my ones all the time and then i sale them

  4. NO WAY! it is an AWESOME thing to observe, and if you have children i recommend you get them involved! i have several aquariums and we have all learned so much from them! my 4 y/o has autism BUT he can identify fish in the store! it is a tool for education as well as soothing and decorating your home. makes a great hobby too! go for it!

  5. Nope....breeding them is not cruel, fighting the males is. Go ahead and enjoy your project. Be careful of who you want to give the babies too, do research first and ask if they would accept the babies, or your going to end up with a big betta family.

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