
Would it be easier for my guy to live in the US or for me to live in mexico?

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i am just trying to figure out if it would be easier for him to get citizenship here in the US or for me to get citizenship down in Mexico?




  1. There are ways to be together without having to go through the tedious process of citizenship.  Talk to an immigration lawyer if necessary.

  2. Other answerers are right.   The issue of citizenship is years down the line.  Now, for him to immigrate to the U.S. is  a VERY long, difficult process. If you marry, he can apply for a spousal visa, but this can take years and he cannot live in the U.S. while he waits.  It is easier for you to live in Mexico, get a visa...but for you to work in Mexico, you would need a work visa...very hard to get...and wages are very low, even for professionals like teachers.  This is a tough situation without an easy answer.  YOU can go to Mexico for 6 months at a time on a tourist visa, but you must leave for at least a day every 6 months, then re-enter on a new tourist visa...and you CANNOT work.  To qualify for an FM3 visa that lets you actually reside in Mexico, You MUST prove you have about $1200 a month income per month from the U.S. If you are married to a Mexican citizen, this amount is reduced. This visa must be renewed every year and requires proof of income.     To get a work permit, YOU need to find an employer to hire you and write a letter to immgration stating he cannot find a Mexican for that you have to have a very special skill.  Then your work visa is tied to that specific job.  All of this may sound discouraging, but it is absolutely the reality of the situation.  Is your boyfriend in the U.S. legally on a visa?  If, so, and he wants to apply to immigrate to the U.S., he must return to Mexico and apply and that can easily take 8 years.  If he is in the U.S. illegally, and is deported, his chances of immigration are even slimmer.  If you can come to Mexico with him, and he is able to get an good job and support both of you, that would be nice..but you know good jobs are rare in Mexico.  See why I said this is a problem without a good answer?  AFTER a person legally immigrtes to another country, it takes at least another 7 years to become a for now, that is not even an issue.  IF you two decide totry living in Mexico, he should return, get a job, prepare a home...then you come down for 6 months and give Mexico a trial would be a big adjustment.  Many women do it, but there are challenges. So..think about all this and plan carefully.  If you ever decide to marry in Mexico or if you ever have a child in Mexico, be SURE to check the website of the American Embassy for extremely important information on these topics.  I wish you the best.

  3. it's easier to get an spouse visa in mexico, that's no problem at all..

    regarding  the job thing, well i think you can work teaching English under the table to middle class chindren or upper middle class children .

    If you work as an english teacher in mexico the pay is good!,  you may charge 400 pesos a week for 1hr a day of class per student, if you get 5 o 7 students that's enough to make end meets in mexico... even more

    forget about the FM3  stuff,  when in mexico, you just seek for the nearest  private school, usually a catholic one, and talk to the principal ,  

    lady or sr, HELLO bla bla bla I got RECENTLY married to a mexican man  bla bla bla..

    i just want to have your permission to post an add on the school greenboard or on the hall's wall offering my services as a private english teacher , it's all i want, i need to work please  please.

    If they ask for references, try to get a letter from you local catholic priest prior you departure stating that you are the finest and most caring person on earth bla bla bla OR A letter from the bishop.

    you COULD be offered a position as a english teacher, but the pay will be around 4000 pesos...  that's the catch ..

    if you work on your own, only by getting 3 students you'll make more money

    1600 pesos a month for every student * 3 =4800 pesos...

    they'll try to hire you for less ...  don't  forget that..

    If you don't have references, forget about the plan A, and  move on to the B plan: IN FRONT of the private school, YOU OUGHT TO start giving away flyers to moms and daddy's children, OFFERING YOUR SERVICES as a private english teacher..

    provide your telephone and email...maybe you would like to set up a classroom in your house, keep in mind if you get married to an unskilled mexican man, is likely possible the house you are living in may not meet the strict requirements of the parents of those children you are supossed to be teaching to...

    talk about it  with your husband

    i'd like to mention i aswered the same kind of question months ago, if you take a look into my answers specially the old ones, you'll find more info about this topic, it was actually chosen as the best answer, american living in mexico, something like that..  i don't remember

    you can also study spanish while you are here, even if it takes years, eventually your husband will get the U.S. visa....and both will be able to get back to the U.S.

    good luck

  4. you should live in the may be a bit harder to get citenzship her but it has better privelages and benfits. why do you think pppl jumping fences and risking their live to cross da border.( no offense) but i  wouldnt exchange my US status for a mexican citezenship( although i love being  mexican ) because itz benefits. US haz much more rights.

  5. As a U.S. Citizen you have the right to help your partner apply for U.S. residency and he can still retain his Mexican citizenship. If you move to Mexico you can easily apply for Mexican citizenship but why? There are many US citizens that live in Mexico without having to apply for Mexican citizenship.

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