
Would it be embarrassing for a high school senior to get driven to school by his dad?

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my family is lower class. my school does not provide a bus for me

my dad has a disability which limits how much he can drive so gas isnt too much of an issue

I dont have my license because the insurance would be too high. i've been job searching for like 4 months and nothing yet




  1. not at all.  I see lots of high schoolers riding the bus, walking and having their parents drive them to school.  and some of them have cars that they aren't allowed to drive to school.

  2. No, not at all!  

  3. boy, don't care how others see you, okay???

    It's a luxury that you have your dad to fetch you to school ... it's no big deal that you have ur dad to fetch u okay...?

    Your dad is good, he fetches you... you have ur family's care and concern, treasure it!

    isn't it comfortable to be inside a car? u don't have to carry a heavy bagpack and have to wake up early to school... to get into a packed bus at early hours... fight ur way in... TIRING!

    trust me, it's NOT embarassing... ;)

  4. Don't worry about it.  The only people that are going to see you get dropped off are getting dropped off also.  If it really bothers you, have him drop you off a block away and walk the rest of the way.  It's really no big deal though, I'd rather get dropped of by my parents than ride the bus!

  5. aww hun

    no its not

    but you can try getting there by yourself if it isnt too far

  6. you should accept the offer of a lift or buy a secondhand bike

  7. NO!  Never be ashamed of where you come from.

  8. I don't think it would be too embarrassing. If you make a joke out of it, people probably won't care. If someone makes fun of you just be like well I love my dad or something...that's what I would do

  9. my parents drove me to school all my life and there was nothing embarrassing about it. others kids are driven to school too. you re taking such a small little thing and turning it into something big. its not a big deal. at the time i wished i did had a car like half the kids had at school. but now that i'm older, i wondered why i worried myself about that.

    be lucky, you parents are doing all they can for you.

  10. absolutely not - I teach at a public high school and lots of parents drop off their kids - another option, find a friend and carpool

  11. Nothing of the sort.

    There is nothing to feel ashamed.

    Whether anybody is questioning this?

    This is between a father and son.

    What is there to become so sensitive on such a trivial matter?

    You should appreciate and feel proud of your father instead.

    Why can't you have a bicycle for the purpose?

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