
Would it be ethical to ask people to choose 2 of their favorite poets on yahoo?

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I wanted to get an idea of the type of poetry is most liked on yahoo and who is the favorites among the poets! Wanted to know if this is an ethical question to find out?




  1. In the less than 2 weeks I've been here I suspect I like TD best, but then I spend as much time reading the comments as I do reading his poetry. I like his sense of humor as well, but there is excellent reading in the comments.

    Other than that I don't really have a favorite... I treat all my contacts equally and try to post something when they write... but sometimes I only read it.

    ---add--- Considering the first 3 answers I guess we can now call this the "Dead Poets Society"

    ----add--- If your purpose is to help weed you through the material and help you find some good reading I don't think it is an ethical issue. Your favorites do not equate to best poet. I read so little of others because quite honestly I don't want to feel like I build on their ideas. When you read so much sometimes it becomes difficult to separate your own ideas from someone elses.

  2. William Butler Yeats (beautiful poetry!), and Edgar Allen Poe.

  3. I don't know about ethical. Just look at my contacts. You'll find my favorites. But I'd have to say, for sentimentality's sake, Siren.

  4. Why wouldn't it be ethical?

    btw...Kipling and Tennyson.

  5. The interesting thing about questions like this is that every 3-6 months there is a turnover of poets. People that for one reason or another no longer post:

    Names you haven't probably seen like Cinnamon, Margot, ObscureB, Fr. Al, Willow--all just exceptional poets, but in Yahoo time it might has well have been 200 years ago when they were here.

    There are a lot of poets that still post that I really enjoy, but like Elaine I don't want to post a current ranking.

  6. The question is an ethical one, since you are asking for information to improve your own poetry. I have several favorites, but I am not going to list them here.

  7. I think she means the poet writers that post on yahoo answers

  8. No, this question reminds me of the little frog that leaped into a whole lot of trouble. Few of us know all the current poetry posters, only see their work occasionally, interpret their work based on our mood for the day, and from time to time see their better and best postings. Sometimes we like the different styles of different poets. I have a few favorites, and when we say favorites, it means between the ones we know. I won’t say here.  Words with best intentions are sometimes hurtful. But poets know sincere comments. Thanks, and I return the complement Laura. I know too little to judge poetry, I just know what I like. If I’ve leaped with my answer before I thought, I’m in big trouble, too. Lol.

  9. my favorites are you, walt, millionaire, bhs, kevin, DP(rip), hydropro, mom of 2, these are some of my favorites. I couldn't choose just two, sorry.

  10. umm i guess it would be why not i like edgar allen poe

  11. "Hi!",

    I wasn't going to answer this..

    Blatantly obvious Neoman and TD. They are excellent poets which your always guarantee a lough.

    For Dark Arts...

    Dragon Lady as she writes with more picture and less plain words. She colors the darkness really well.

    These are my ultra favorites but there are others I really like as well that I am just getting to know... like Dondi, Sptfyr, Elaine. P,Cynthia and a few more.

    And all the rest I like equally....

    Cheers : )

  12. I am too new on here, and I`m a lazy reader, that`s why it`s kind of hard for me to choose favorites right now!

    I do find that I appreciate hydropro's poetry because it`s easy for me to understand (the vocabulary &dialect) and his poems are short.

    Usually, if a see a poem is too long, I skip it.

    @ Oh yeah and Laura`s poems! lol. Laura where have you been?

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