
Would it be fair for Hillary if Palin get elected?

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Would it be fair for Hillary if Palin get elected?




  1. No. Hillary was there based on 18 million votes, Palin is there because a dirty old man likes her.

    She is covering up that her 16 yr old daughter is the one who was pregnant

  2. Yes. Then Hillary would get a shot again in 2012.

  3. Well, no one's voting for Palin. They're voting for McCain.

    That being said, comparing Palin to Hillary is the same as comparing a f**t to a hurricane.

    And I live in Florida.

  4. Obama-Biden 08

    But this is a stupid question. Is it fair for Walter Dix that Usain Bolt won the 100?

  5. no, palin doesn't even know what a vp does. maybe she was joking about that but still.... did she have to get that on camera?  

  6. yes. at least hillary knows what the VP job entails.

  7. Palin is not up for election, John Mc Cain is.

  8. Hillary is democrat, Palin is republican, so the question is mute. Not republicans fault the dems went with Obama.

  9. Hillary lost because more people voted for Obama it's ok to get over it!

  10. That is like asking if it would be fair to Jessie Jackson if Obama gets elected!

  11. Hillary is in a different league.  She worked hard for everything she accomplished -- and she deserved her success.  

    Palin was passively "chosen" by McCain out of desperation.  She did nothing to deserve this appointment.  In fact, she turned it down the first time he asked.... her comment was, "what does the V.P. DO all day?!!"

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