
Would it be fair to say, Most illegals that enter the US do so because they have no faith in their home cntry"

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isnt it almost as if they are traitors to the country (their own) that need them most?




  1. Traders....NO! try changing your government, and see how that goes! They come here to make a living and support their families. They are willing to take ANY job that any American doesn't want to do, and that's the reason they have jobs waiting for them, or they wouldn't be trying crossing over.

  2. In some cases it is their home country that is telling them to invade the US.

  3. Is God your government? With the phrasing of your question it sure sounds like it. Countries come and go; would you sacrifice yourself or your offspring to perpetuate your government? If you would then you are an idol worshipper; if you won't, then under your own definetion, you are a traitor. People migrate to improve or change their situations; it's as simple as that.

  4. They do not wish to stand up and make a difference in their own country. Why do so when it is so much easier to go to the US and do whatever. The home country can sit on the back burner. It is digusting.

    I personally spent many years sitting in central america fighting for democracy and peoples rights to make a difference. We are are speaking of getting shot at. But to avail.

    I will get many thumbs down for saying this. In eastern europe and such the people stood up and fought for change. I have many legal hispanic friends who are good and sincere people.

    My opinion is that I lost many (US mitary) team mates and for what? For some people who can not stand up in their home country? When I see an illegal my inside voice tells me that they are just leeches who care not.  

  5. No,they come here for the freebies courtesy of the American tax payers.

  6. No, you are not right. They come here because there is no way to make much money in their country. Some plan to come here just to work a few years and return home with money.. some want to someday be an American and live a better life here forever. Wherever they are from, I have never heard them say a bad thing about where they are from.. plain and simple it's about the MONEY.

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