
Would it be fairer if the enemy knows the rules in a war?

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I was thinking that there are some genfer conventions etc. but fighting against someone who did never sign it should he give the other war party some information on his war rulez or stick to there war rulez even if they do not apply to him.




  1. fairer is not a word.

  2. You mean the Geneva Convention.  

    But the only rule in my book is:  kill the guy who is trying to kill you.  

    That's it.

  3. There aren't really any rules in war. If you're talking about the Geneva Convention then the Taliban and the insurgents in Iraq know them and choose not to follow them. I have to agree with AD on that one.

  4. first off, if you don't know don't pretend and say stupid c**p like there are no rules

    that said, there are the geneva convention the hague convention , rules of engagement, rules for the use of force and the law of land warfare

    secondly not everyone follows the rules, for example terrorists, the United States however follows the rules anyway because of  the fact that it is the right thing to do to try to minimize atrocities even in a time of war

    lastly, do you remember in the first gulf war between the US and Iraq how Iraqi units were surrendering to the US by the thousands? would they have done that if the US was famous for murdering unarmed prisoners of war? no they would have fought to the death instead, the fact that they knew they would be fairly treated actually saved lives on both sides, and all because the United States Does have rules they follow,

    at any rate, the international rules are there and can be read by anyone or any country, if they fail to follow then that is on them, Countries like the US follow them regardless of whether or not the enemy does

  5. It won't make it any more fair.  The insurgents in the Middle East know the rules but choose not to follow them because if they did then we would have wiped them out a long time ago.  But if we break a rule then they cry foul even after we finish making an example of the ones who broke the rules.

  6. Sure .

    Why not?

    If the enemy is an army.

    They have the Geneva Convention with them.

    Decode this lyrics "Hurting each other"

    Look in the real world.

    If the enemy were just bunch of new street kids on the block with self lack of knowledge playing cowboy and red indian instead of going to school in making a havoc out there in time.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    Then we have to trace the faults on what went wrong with them out there in time.

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    What do you think?

  7. hey man, nobody knows the rules in a war.

  8. Civilized nations have always had rules to war.

    The Bible has rules of war in it [which are mostly ignored today].

    If all nations agree to the Geneva rules then great. But not all nations have agreed to them. and not all nations that have signed it, will actually follow it.

  9. Rules of War is an absolutely ridiculous idea.  Remember the expression:  "All's fair in love and war."  

  10. more fair, not fairer. and war sux. it's NEVER fair to kill or cause bodily harm to another person.

  11. Any serious military man would just say that you would never be in the category of being one. Text speak is for children. The ability to communicate effectively is paramount in all services and at all levels.  

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