
Would it be good for Hillary if she got a new team of Advsiors?

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This article says:

"She's a perpetual victim; either subjected, like Captain Queeg, to the machinations of disloyal subordinates, or, like Richard Nixon, to the machinations of a hostile press.

For weeks, as many progressives pondered the senator's disruptive campaign, their underlying sentiment mirrored those famous words of Cromwell to the Rump Parliament: "You have been sat too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!"

If she had a new team, would things go better for her?




  1. No, because they would still be operating under the same directives.  Ad hominem attacks, dredging up peripheral attacks on things that don't matter, and avoiding arguing the issues.

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