
Would it be good to do strength training first thing in the morning?

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My school starts on Monday and I have a feeling I won't have time to exercise as much. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, my classes start at 9 am. So I'm thinking I should wake up early like at 6 am to do strength training workouts. Is this a good idea for my body, as long as I eat something high-energy before working out? Or is my body gonna get screwed over in the long run? My goal is to lose fat and get stronger, fitter, and leaner...and I will do cardio in the evening. So I'm wondering...does this sound like a good plan?




  1. Yo, Dawg!  You can find all sorts of good info about working out at this vid site:

  2. Yes, that's a great idea, you have a great plan down, most people would not even know to eat before working out or making sure to do cardio hours after strength-training instead of right before.

    The reasoning is that, when you strength-train you need energy to perform at full intensity.  For breakfast I have oatmeal, 2 egg whites, and a sunny-side-up on wheat bread, and an orange.  That would be a great breakfast for a bodybuilder, I don't know if you're bodybuilding though, if not, cut it down to 1 egg white, oatmeal, and an orange, assuming you are looking to tone.  

    You should then wait at least 40 minutes to an hour until you strength-train.  Then later on in the afternoon is much better to do cardio.  High intensity strength-training will greatly speed up your metabolism for the day.  You never want to do cardio right before strength-training, as this will make you too tired to perform strength-training at full intensity.  

    People think cardio in the morning on an empty stomach is optimal, but it is not, it burns fat easily, but people do not realize the body is in a catabolic (muscle-burning) state upon wakening, and needs to be replenished with protein from breakfast to avoid burning muscle by doing cardio on an empty stomach.  

    It is in a catabolic state because your body needs protein every 3 hours to keep it in a positive nitrogen balance, which will keep it from eating away at muscles.  After waking up, you have not consumed any protein for 6-8 hours during sleep, unless you consumed a slow-digesting protein prior to sleep, but that is only good for 6 hours, so upon awakening, you need more protein again.  This puts your body in a catabolic state, which is why it is essential you have breakfast high in protein first thing in the morning.

    Best of luck!

  3. First thing in the morning on an empty stomach is the ideal situation for cardio. Generally doing it in the evening is not good because you'll lose some of the "after cardio calorie burn" when you go to bed (and thus shut your metabolism down to a lower level.)

    However, you're talking about lifting weights. For that, you can do it first thing in the morning, as long as you feed yourself first. It's not the ideal time, but if that's the only time you can fit it in, then go for it. (I have a friend who used to lift early in the morning with mostly just a protein shake and maybe creatine in his system...he was making strength gains. I'd add some complex carbs too though.)

    I think you will make better gains later on in the day after you have more meals in your system. However, you can gain muscle either way. (You should not get screwed over in the long run.)

    Getting stronger and losing fat at the same time is very difficult. If I were you, I'd focus more on one or the other. If you are saying you want to be leaner and stronger in the LONG RUN, then you're on the right path.

    Ideally you would:

    - Do cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. (Eat right after, don't delay it.)

    - Do weight lifting later in the day after you have more glycogen reserves (food in your system).

    If you reverse them, you will still make progress.

    See my source for a wealth of fitness information.

  4. erm your muscles are at their strongest at 4 o'clock in the evening so this si the best time to weight train. cardio is often best performed in the morning straight after a protein shake withs low carbs in it then have your full breakfast to prepare you for the day.

    but beware of the school day you will eat quite poorly as a general rule so bring in youownnw lunches . and shakes

    please e-mail me and i will be able to give you more supplemental and training advice. i'll even devise a split and supplement regime for you if you like

  5. Now I am not very strong but I know everyone is supposed to exercise or stretch in the morning it loosens the Joints and you feel better. Try drinking in the Morning Carnation Instant breakfast.

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