
Would it be good when Putin wakes up in the morning the first thing he sees is a Yankee face, & knows:?

by  |  earlier

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That we will always be in his face




  1. No the best thing would be if he does not wake up at all. He is trying to resurrect a way of life that can not survive in this changing world. There is a new world government coming, like it or not. And when it arrives, there will be no place for a bully to exist.  It will take a while, but Russia will have to become a piece of that world government, just like the rest of us. Yes, Iran too!  And they are scared as h**l over it. But, it will come.  You will see the US, Canada, and Mexico, become one in a few years, South America at some point will also join in. A few things have to happen before it will take place, but it will happen. It has to happen for the world to survive. At some point, Asia, Europe, the Americas, all of us will have to help each other or perish. The world is just getting to small and pollutted for us to survive any other way. We will have to rely on each other.

  2. Yes, and the first thing he'd do is stop selling you oil. Now wouldn't that just be p**s funny? The USA going cap in hand to commie China and Islamic extremists Saudi for oil, so they can keep their stupidly enormous SUV's on the road.

    Now, who's face will you be in again?

  3. Yeah...and that's as likely to happen as bush getting up in bin laden's face tomorrow morning and screeching, "you see there usama! I told's you I was going to get you "dead or alive!"

  4. It could be fun....... specially  if Putin put his own missile defense system in Cuba or Venezuela

  5. If anything he would see an Iranian face asking him to sell them more missiles.

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