
Would it be great if the gas prices will be $50 per gallon.?

by  |  earlier

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less people are going to drive, there would be less traffic, the air will be better, a lot more people will use public transportation(like I do). I think electric cars is a bad idea towards global warming ,because more people are going to afford traveling and there would be a lot more cars and a lot more traffic




  1. I agree, it would be great if the entire economy collapsed because of extremely high gas prices.

    *rolls eyes*


  3. What's going to happen is alternative ways of powering cars will evolve.  Methods that were to expensive when fuel was $5 a gallon will become very attractive at $50.

    The automobile is NEVER going to go away.  We know how convenient they are and also how to build them.  Our entire world has been adapted to include the automobile.  We no longer use animals to move our vehicles and goods.  Cities are so large that you can not walk across them and back in one day.

    We rely on fuel powered trucks and machinery to bring us our daily meals.  With fuel prices at $50 everything will increase in price to a point where people can't afford even basic necessities.

    Your thought looks good on the surface but when you look at everything you use from apples to toothpaste to t-shirts you will not find a single item that fuel has not touched in some way.  And when fuel gets expensive everything else will follow suit.

  4. your nuts.  we still need to get our food to grocery stores and they will pass the dollar along.  its starting to show up now on food and if it went to 50 bucks a gallon people probably wouldn't be able to afford food or public transportation.  

    all i got to say is live logically.

  5. It'd even be better if leftists and "gorebal warming" fans move out of the USA to a "workers paradise" country and stop whining and presenting ignorant ideas without thinking that $50 gas would completely collapse our economy.

    I certainly hope that you don't own a car and contributing to "gorebal warming" (another leftist myth) or is your idea just for others?

  6. yes, I agree. However, not all at once, over a period of many years so we have a chance to develop high economy cars, public transportation, and alternative sources of electricity.

  7. People in Hong Kong is already paying close to $50 per gallon of gasoline.  That's $50 Hong Kong Dollar of course :).

  8. NOPE.

    All of the prices of good will also go up (like food) and home heating.

    Good Luck...

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