
Would it be hard for my puppy to have a playdate with his brother who was adopted separately?

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We adopted our 7 month old choc lab puppy about 6 weeks ago. Before that, our puppy lived in "foster care" with his brother, who was adopted around the same time. The woman who adotped his brother lives less than 2 hours from us and wants to get the dogs together. Both dogs were beside themselves originally because they were really close and seemed to miss each other. Our puppy is totally adjusted now and is happy as can be. I don't want to make him miss his brother again. What do you think? Would this be fun for the puppies or would it be like teasing them and making them sad all over again?

Thanks in advance!




  1. It would be a great idea for them to be able to play together.  Do it.

  2. If you make a weekly or 2 weekly thing then it won't be teasing her.

    They'll probably be sad again, but if you do it regularly they'll soon realize that if they're patient enough they'll see each other again.

    Since the person is so far away, this makes it harder.

  3. it should be fun for the puppies.

  4. It is a great idea! Even if they don't remember each other they will enjoy being together.

  5. This would definitely be interesting for both dogs, and I highly doubt it would evoke any sadness. This would be a good experience for both of the dogs as they start meeting more and more fellow canines and I definetly recommend you maintain those "dog playdates"

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