
Would it be harmful to take 2 Unisom pills?

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each pill has 50 mg of Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride an i need to sleep really well




  1. take 1-2. you might be groggy.

    taking 3+ will leave you disassociated in the morning.

    if you ever want to have a fun trip, take 4+ and stay awake, you will have audio hallucinations and minor visuals. 5-7, you will start to get visuals, and 8-12 you will have no association with reality and feel euphoric.

    don't worry, that is no where near enough to OD.

  2. nope that is the same thing as benedryl... 100mg is perfectly fine.   stop buying the Unisom and go for generic or store brand diphenhydramine, it should be next to the benedryl on the shelf.  It is exactly the same thing.  

  3. no you will be fine but you must make sure you get at the least 8 hours of sleep or you will be so groggy and feel like your still asleep  

  4. no

  5. According to the sites I seen there will not be a problem:Space.

    Diphenhydramine hydrochloride (trade name Benadryl as produced by Johnson & Johnson, or Dimedrol outside the U.S. & Canada. Nytol as a sleeping pill) is an over-the-counter (OTC) antihistamine, antiemetic, sedative, and hypnotic. It may also be used for the treatment of extrapyramidal side effects of typical antipsychotics, such as the tremors that haloperidol can cause. It is a member of the ethanolamine class of antihistaminergic agents.

    Diphenhydramine is an anticholinergic, possessing 58 per cent of the anti-muscarinic power of atropine and was discovered during the search for synthetic alternatives to scopolamine which would be easier to work with.

    Diphenhydramine was one of the first known antihistamines, invented in 1943 by Dr. George Rieveschl.[1] It became the first FDA-approved prescription antihistamine in 1946.[2]

    The brand Benadryl is currently trademarked in the United States by Pfizer; however, many drug store chains and retail outlets manufacture less-costly generic versions under their own store brands.

    Contents [hide]

    1 Pharmacological action

    2 Common use and dosage

    3 Side effects

    4 Recreational use

    5 See also

    6 External links

    7 References

    7.1 Notes

    7.2 Sources

    Side effects

    Like many other first-generation antihistamines, diphenhydramine is a potent anticholinergic agent. This leads to profound drowsiness as a very common side-effect, along with the possibilities of motor impairment (ataxia), dry mouth and throat, flushed skin, rapid or irregular heartbeat (tachycardia), blurred vision at nearpoint owing to lack of accommodation (cycloplegia), abnormal sensitivity to bright light (photophobia), pupil dilation (mydriasis), urinary retention (ischuria), constipation, difficulty concentrating, short-term memory loss, visual disturbances, hallucinations, irritability, itchy skin, confusion, erectile dysfunction, and delirium. Some side effects such as twitching may be delayed until the drowsiness begins to cease and the person is in more of an awakening mode. Diphenhydramine also has local anesthetic properties, and has been used for patients allergic to common local anesthetics like lidocaine.[6] Severe, prolonged twitching and muscle spasm have also been experienced.

    The most common cardiac dysrhythmias associated with diphenhydramine overdose are sinus bradycardia, elongated S-T segment interval, and premature ventricular contraction.

    Diphenhydramine is similar in its effects to dimenhydrinate (Dramamine), its 8-chlorotheophylline salt, although the latter is approximately 60% the potency in terms of required dosage and is slightly less sedating.

    Some patients have an allergic reaction to diphenhydramine in the form of hives. [7] [8]

    Since 2002 the US FDA requires special labeling: avoid using multiple products including Diphenhydramine, or using topical forms to treat poison ivy Urushiol-induced contact dermatitis.[1] [2]

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