
Would it be healthy to go on a 800 calorie a day diet at 16?

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Hey, I'm 15, 16 in 2 weeks and have lost over 56 pounds by exercising and dieting in the last 6 months. however at 5ft 6 and 120 pounds i still feel very overweight and i was wondering as my friends have all done low calorie diets and look so great, if it would be healthy for me to take part in a similar diet for a few months. Any help would be much appreciated.




  1. dont listen to the people who tell you "you need to eat 2000, blah blah" no you dont. theres tons of people who survive on wayy less, and in asia its typical for the average person to eat like 1000 calories a day & not even be dieting. im trying to do an 800 calorie diet right now too, go for it. you lose weight REALLY fast that way. its awesome.

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