
Would it be impossible to find work as an actor if...?

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I'm 18 and I am really considering going to college or acting school for a theater degree. Though the reason I'm doubting doing this is, well, I'm a bit on the big side (I'd be considered obese) and I'm asian. With the way I am, I'm doubting if I would get any work acting. I mean I've been told I look very good for my size and that I'm pretty good acting on stage but I still am in doubt. I'm looking for some opinions. Don't be afraid to tell me anything bad cause I'm still just wondering. Also, if anyone didn't know, I'm a guy. Also, I've tried losing weight numerous times before. Sad to say, but it's never worked. T_T




  1. if your really serious about acting then you should be serious about losing weight thats my only opinion lol sorry

  2. Please watch TV and movies carefully, you will see that there are all types of actors! You may not get as many auditions as a "regular" type, but you will get auditions. My son is an actor, a larger white guy, and he gets many auditions for "bully" types and football players. Most of those auditions that he gets say all ethnicities. So don't give up if that's what you want to do!

  3. Theater and Acting can be a celebration in Diversity. There are some other large actors, Chris Farley, John Candy. You cant worry about the things you dont control. And you shouldnt over obsess over the things you can. So, dont worry about your nationality or your weight. You have a place in the world.

    Some advice,

    Think about a BA program instead of a BFA program. The BA program will give you more liberal arts and make you more comfortable with choosing other options. The BFA programs are only if youve comitted yourself to the arts. Perhaps even take it on as a minor. One more thing, If it is your dream to be an actor above all things then go for it wholeheartedly. But dont set your life up with your second choice career from the start. I work with lots of large actors, you may find you arent so alone there. The world is changing, h**l ive even seen some very large dancers in a BFA program but d**n can they dance!

    dont stress yourself out before your instructors had a chance!

    Oh yeah, you need to own your body. Your self esteem issues can turn up while you are acting. You need to turn your size into a positive force in your life. Think of it, at least you have a lot of stage presence! Be proud of yourself and dont let other peoples' taunts get you down!

  4. Oh thats no problem at all!.

    I see fat people act in movies all the time!.

  5. you are young, so go for it.  get a theater degree!  they will guide you through your training and prepare you for the real world outside of school.  there are parts for people of all shapes and sizes.  embrace the things about you which are unique.  dont doubt yourself.  a college theater program will help your confidence immensely.  start researching, rehearsing, and auditioning.

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