
Would it be inappropriate to take a 4 month old trick or treating?

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If so, how old would they need to be before going?




  1. If you're bringing the baby's siblings, cousins, etc, then sure.  Just be considerate of the poor little thing - if he/she gets fussy, take him/her home.

    If you're planning on taking the baby by yourself, with no other kids - I think that will appear tacky, since the baby is clearly not old enough to know what's going on.  You'll look like you're trick-or-treating for yourself, which as an adult is not cool.

    I think a kid should be 4 or 5 before they can be considered a "real" trick-or-treater.

  2. I don't think so.  I saw a baby dressed up like a gold fish last year, it was so cute! Besides, its your kid, knock your socks off!  In a couple for years you'll have no more excuses to get candy!

  3. What on earth would a four month old do with candy?  And shouldn't a baby be in bed at that time of the night?   It makes one question your ability to raise a child.

  4. I don't believe there is an age limit for trick or treating. Just put a funny hat on the baby and maybe dress up yourself a bit. I've gotten  lots of people on Halloween with babies.  

  5. If you've got older kids and you're going with them and carrying the baby that's fine.

    If it's just the baby, what's the point?

    The baby can't eat the candy.

    If you normally go trick or treating as an adult I guess that's OK.

    Out of the ordinary, but OK.

  6. Yeah I would say so. They're too young to enjoy it.

  7. Trick or treating: inappropriate

    Dressing up: very appropriate

    I think that kids can go trick or treating once they are old enought to eat the candy, and old enough to get what is going on around them.  I think it's really sweet when I see little kids dressed up.  dress the four month old up as a pumpkin or something cute (note: devil, monsters, witches...not cute.)  People will appreciate it more if you just dress the baby up and then give out candy.  i mean, when you go trick or treating with a baby, basically it's the adults trick or treating and eating the candy  I think it would be ok to go to neighbours or friends that you know well, but to go to people you don't know is greedy in my opinion.  besides, when you go to neighbours or friends, it gives you a chance to get to know them and talk briefly.  Good luck!  and have fun with whatever you do!

  8. it is better to just take him or her to your friends and families houses.

    any child less then a year old can't really eat any of the halloween things.

    a one year old can eat some things like cheese sticks  

  9. you have to be kidding .If you want candy go to the store.

  10. Halloween has always been a fun holiday in our family, so we've taken babies that were too young to eat the candy trick or treating, depending on the weather (we're in Texas so it might be 90 degrees or it might 40 degrees on Halloween), but I would say a 4 month old is still a little young. If the baby were 9 or 10 months old, I would say go and have fun, but I think you should sit it out this year.

    My grandson was 4 months old his first Halloween and his other grandmother got him a costume at the Harley shop. He had the little do-rag thing and a cute little biker outfit and they had his picture made in it. We did the same thing for his sister on her first Halloween because she was still a little young to take out trick-or-treating. You can have fun with the new baby on Halloween, but I wouldn't suggest going door-to-door.  

  11. It could be fun. We might be doing the same thing. Dressing up your kid and taking pics and getting a little candy for your efforts seems like fun.

    You'll have the pics of her/his first and that will be cute 20 years from now.

  12. I think it's inappropriate.  The age a child should be is old enough to enjoy what is happening.

  13. If they cannot eat the candy then they shouldnt be out geting displayed to strangers...take them to the neighbours or family.

  14. I've seen parents taking their infant children in their arms trick or treating. If you want to, go ahead, but I don't think your baby's going to get anything out of it.

    In my neighborhood, young adults come around without even wearing costumes.

  15. yes it is--clearly the CHILD isn't going to eat the candy, so basically your using the baby as a prop to go door to door and beg for food.  Harsh I know, but I can't even believe anyone asked this

  16. trick or treating yes, halloween party no. last year we didnt take my guy out who was 4 months but dressed him up and went to a party. he was the devil and i was the devils milk maid (breast fed baby)

    i am taking mine out this year so i say next year would be appropriate. hes walking and LOVEs to dress up in silly stuff so i think it will be ok this year.

  17. Yes it is would be more you doing the trick or treating.  If you want to participate in Halloween then put a costume on your 4 month old and answer the door with him/her and shell out.  Wait until your child is at least 2 or 3 years old to go out trick or treating because prior to that it will be just scary to them.

  18. Totally inappropriate.

    School age is best. Five and in kindergarten makes sense.

  19.    A minimum of 2 years.  The point of trick or treating is for the child to have fun.  If taken before they even understand what is happening, you are just begging for candy, which is pathetic.

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