I have an 18 speed mountain bike that is over 15 years old. I left it at home when I left for college and it wasn't very well cared for while I was away. I know the frame is still in good condition, but everything else needs to be replaced (worst case scenario). Due to gas prices and the close proximity of my work I am looking into either buying a new bike (road bike, or hybrid) or fixing my current one (it has sentimental value, and is a perfect fit for my frame). I am 4'9" so it has been on the difficult side to find a bike that I can comfortably handle. The bike would be used on a daily basis, at least 15-20 miles a day and would only be stored away during rainy weather (which is less than 3 months out of the year). So I am wondering if it would be worth it to just fix my current bike or just buy a good quality bike. I am currently living in a bike town and people tend to go through at least three bikes (lower quality) a year due to use.