
Would it be ok to put my kids in care so i could have the holiday of a lifetime?

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or should i just leave them in the house alone.

Their ages are 18,19 and 22




  1. Here's the plan Busy Bee

    give them a mobile phone each and show them how to text

    when you get back from your holiday they'll still be hard at it, texting each other. Won't even notice you gone

  2. I'd go with care, feck knows what they'd do to your house at their ages! LOL

  3. They're all adults, but it depends on how mature they are. If you think the eldest can be trusted to keep the other two in check and not have too crazy a party, then go for it! :D Maybe have a neighbor, friend, or relative check in on them once in a while, to make sure the house isn't sold or on fire, and enjoy yourself. Provided it's a holiday OF a lifetime and not FOR a lifetime :P

  4. If YOU taught them how to take care of themselves, then leave them alone. If you haven't...well, no time like the present!

  5. if you love your kids then you will keep them

    how could you just abandon them for your holiday

    just thinking about yourself

    being selfish

    but its your loss if you do


  6. They are old enough to look after themselves.  Go enjoy your life.

  7. yes, that's fine.  I would suggest a mental asylum for the one who thinks he is a kangaroo.

  8. Their adults!

    They don't need to go into care, they can look after themselves.

  9. They should be moved out by now. I don't know anyone in their right mind that would "watch" adults.

    If you're worried about the house, I would have someone stop in from time to time to make sure they aren't destroying the place.

  10. i think you might have trouble putting them in care

    if you don't have home insurance already and decide to go away i suggest you take some out

  11. Ha ha... Why do people have to be so bloody serious all the time? I love reading the answers to amusing questions like this; people, chill out!

    Leave them locked in the cellar, enjoy your holiday and bring me back a stick of rock...

  12. A 22 year old can't go into care. Your kids are adults. Leave them in the house alone. x

  13. It depends how much you trust them and wheather they can be mature enough to behave themselves. Maybe you could leave them in the house but ask a neibour to keep a discreet eye on them and give them a number to a member ofyour family so that if they do have a wild party and trash the house or something along them lines then that naibour has a number to ring to have them come over and break it up. The reason i think you should do this is to give them the responsability and for them to know you trust them.

  14. Why would adult children need to be placed in care? Are they disabled in some manner?

    If they are all perfectly healthy, why are they all living with you and under your care anyway? They should be off making their own way in the world or at least able to be on their own while you vacation.

    Go and if they ruin your home while your away- kick them out!

  15. How dare Foo Fighter use the name of my good husbands band to insult you!!!

    Anyway back to the question in hand, yes I think you should put them in care.  Its the only thing to do really isnt it?

  16. They're adults now. They are more than capable of taking care of themselves. Have a great holiday!

  17. At this age they are probably willing you to go on holiday, so they can have the house to themselves and invite their friends around. Make sure to tell them you want your house to look the exact same way as when you leave it

  18. Every year until this year my daughter stays at my house when I go away for extended periods of time. she is now 23 but was 19 when she started. My house is still standing when I get home. They will be fine. Go have fun.

  19. Clearly at that age they still need 24 hour supervision so I suggest getting them adopted for 2 weeks.

    Hope this helps.

  20. the only care they could get is adult care ...and that's usually for seniors or the mentally handicap....why is this even a ?they are adults ...if you did your job right they should be able to handle things for a few days themselves.

  21. their old enough and ugly enough to look after themselves, they have do learn how to be independent one day, so nows the perfect time, if they make mistakes in life so let them, they'll learn from them and move on.

    u should go and enjoy ur life, uve done ur bit, which is to bring them up and now its time to live ur life. u only live once

    guluck hun x

  22. If that is their age and you are worried about their behavior while you are away then send them other places and keep the house locked up tight. I would hope that you can trust them as they are adults. I guess it all depends on how you raised them and what their maturity and responsibility levels are.

  23. im sure you can leave them alone. at their ages they should be trustworthy. they might have a party or two but what the heck

  24. leave them in the house alone.

    they should be able to take care of themselves. :)

  25. I would say leave them in the house alone, they are all adults! But get a neighbour and relatives to check on them from time to time to ensure the house doesnt get trashed while you are away.

    Have a good trip!

  26. Have the holiday

    just make sure you top up your house insurance cover before you leave  

    and  better  disable  computers ... just in case ??

  27. Busy, is this question serious or are you really considering asking the authorities to take adults into care? Or, as you've been asked, do they have some disability? Is there any other reason you should miss out on the holiday?


  29. play away way way way way.... (used to be a prog on tv... about your age group)

  30. What about your 4 year old who acts like a kangaroo? Did you forget about him?

    I'd hire a babysitter just in case.

  31. i would put them into care and then go enjoy myself.

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