
Would it be ok to send my 20 month old away with grandma...

by Guest45445  |  earlier

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We live in tennessee and they live in New Jersey which is where i am from. I am 7 weeks pregnant with my second child and have had alot of issues with this pregnancy causing me to have an extremly hard time caring for my daughter. My husband works two jobs and is unable to be of much assistance at home. I am traveling to NJ on Aug. 13th by plane, but my mother inlaw offered to drive here to tn tommorow (a 12 hour drive) sleep over and leave the next day (sat) to take my daughter back to NJ which would mean we would be apart for 4 days. Do you think that a child at 20 months will be ok with this. I never would agree with it before, but as ill as i feel i think she would be in better care with them for the 4 days. I just worry that she will miss me to much and have a hard time with it. I have already been to the ER twice so considering the conditions does this sound like the best decision?? P.S. i dont have anyone her in TN who can tak emy child for a few days so that is not an option though i wish it was. Plus i can not travel there with them because i have a doc appt. monday and i already purchased my plane ticket.

Thanks so much




  1. I don't think it would be ok. Two babies (brothers) apart can result with a wall between the two and may not get along. I hope I helped!

  2. if you are having so many problems then a plane ride with a 20 mths old doesnt sound wise and as long as you trust them and your daughter is ok with them then i say let her go  

  3. Is there anyway your mother in law could stay for 4 days in tennessee and just help out? If that's not possible, i think it'd be ok if you really feel that ill and are having a hard time caring for her. As long as you know she'll be in good hands, i wouldn't worry too much. Of course it will be difficult for you, but it probably won't be as hard on her as it is on you.  

  4. If she offered and you think she is not too odl to care for your daughter then it sounds like a great offer and great help. I know it will be hard for you and your daughter too, but you need the help and should take it. Its only 4 days. Good luck on your pregnancy

  5. it might me a good idea because it seems that shes not getting much attention and i think that shes old enough to go with another realetive good luck

  6. i think it should be ok to leave your daughter with her grandma as long as she is able she should be just fine for a few days.

  7. Its absolutely fine... Grand Ma's are more caring and believe me your child wont complain much... Dont even think about not leaving her.  

  8. let her go and call her every nite at bbed time because the sound of your voice will make her sleep better because a mothers voice is very soothing to a young child like that

    hope i helped loots of luck on you next

  9. To be honest it would be a little hard for the child because at that age . But I think that as long as your  mom made it fun for her it would be fine :]

  10. As long as you trust your mother-in-law with your daughter I don't think it would be a problem at all! I don't think it would cause any trauma to your child either...she will be with her grandma!

  11. I understand that it will be hard.  It was very hard for my husband and I to leave our daughter for any length of time and still is and shes 3!  But I'm very sure she will deal with it fine.  Its funny how we hold our children back because of our own insecurity.  I was just on the playground yesterday and my daughter snuck out of my site and when I found her she was climbing up some rock wall that I would have never let her do.  She did it perfectly.. and just to think,  I would have held her back from accomplishing that!  It will do her good to be with Grandma for a little bit, you know she will be spoiled and in good hands.  Maybe even better hands in your condition.  Also think of your new little one.. it will be in the babys best interest if you had some rest.   Rest yourself and call as many times as you want :)  Throw in some familar items in her bag so that in case she misses you she will be comforted.  

  12. Yes you should your grandmother is also a mother so she will be in good hands and right now you dont need any stress on you are your unborn child its better to take the safe approach it may be hard at first letting her go but it will be well worth it, because its not just about you anymore you have babies to take care of. Good Luck

  13. it should be okay because it is only for 4 days. if she is close with her grandma it shouldn't be a problem. most children get seperation anxiety but it goes away after awhile

  14. I think it would be fine - she's probably old enough to be left alone with Grandma.  

  15. If you can set it up to make it an adventure maybe you will feel better.  If she isn't nursing, then she can be away from you physically and be fine.  

    Buy 8 new books, two of the same title and have grandma give her one to open each night and you read your copy to her over the phone before she goes to bed.

    Call her a couple of times in the day, but don't say how much you miss her, sound fine and tell her a short story about your pets or something.

    Involve her in packing her stuff.

    Make a poster or something like an advent calendar with four envelopes and she gets to open one each morning when you call and see something you put in the envelope.

    You are very worried about your health, but it probably is ok for another adult to focus attention on your daughter for four days.

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