
Would it be possible dumping garbage in the moon makes moon warming. and makes the moon change??

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Regarding with my research..i have some theories and questions that you should know about..

1. If ever it would work... the garbage creates Global Warming(moon).. there for ice which is present on the moon would melt and create an atmosphere similar to earth. rain, storms, etc. Water is the foundation of life. Algae, bacteria, etc. somehow be awaken and oxygen can now be produced.

2. In the theory above, considering the warming of the moon and all the effects on the moon make its gravitational poles change... ?? If possible how many years will it take for the moon become alive??

3. What will become of earth if the moon becomes habitable by man or any earth living things?

* I would like to ask your side of the answer... keep in touch*

there are more this that i have prepared regarding this theory.




  1. the moon sits in the vacuum of space, it has no atmosphere to change. any gases that would form(though the garbage would be frozen and couldn't really produce any gas anyway) would evaporate in dead space.

  2. Well there is some garbage on the moon most people do not know about.I wrecked willy jeep is on the moon.Aliens dumped it there when they abducted two american soldiers in the 1950"s.

  3. global warming is basically a greenhouse gas effect. these greenhouse gases get trapped in our atmosphere, making it thicker, and trapping heat, thus making the planet hotter. this type of planetary warming can only take place on a celestrial body with an atmosphere. the moon doesn't have an atmosphere. and garbage itself doesn't make greenhouse gases. its the processing of goods, and the gas emisions from cars that emit these greenhouse gases. it would only work for a body that had an atmosphere. heat isn't trapped in the moon because it has no atmosphere.

    and if the moon did have an atmosphere, the greenhouse affect would take thousands of years to take effect to the point where water deposits on the moon would melt. it would take millions, if not billions of years for bacteria and algea to spring to life, and for oxygen to be natually created. and given the fact that the moon has no air, there would be no carbon doxcide for plants to use to carry out photosynthesis.

    and the ice deposits on the moon are very, very small considered to those found on earth. the total water amound on the moon isn't equal to the amount of water found in lakes in asia and europe. and most of it appears to be water, but is really dry ice, or frozen carbon dioxcide. and the moon would have to get really hot for those carbon doxcide deposits to heat up enough to a gaseous form.

    and like i said, none of this could happen because the moon has no atmosphere. try this on mars, and we would have a much different story. adapt your theory to martian circumstances, and you would have a great idea. your theory is good on celestrial bodies with an atmosphere, like mars. your theory would actually compliment mars very well.

    mars has some major ice caps that are made of frozen carbon dioxcide, and water. an extream greenhouse affect would cause this water to melt, filling in the natual river and ocean beds on mars' land. its air is mainly carbon based, so plant life, like algea, would survive, and would start creating oxygen. it would take millions of years for these algea to evolve into land plants, but it would happen. over a course of billions of years, plant life will emerge, and will start taking away this carbon, and giving way to an oxygen and carbon based air. mars has a fairly thick atmosphere, not as thick as earth's, but it does have enough of an atmosphere for this to take place.

    over the course of about 4 billion years, simple carbon based organisms might start to appear. mars would be a perfect canidate for this type of greenhouse affect. it would be colder than earth... a lot colder... but simple life can adapt to these changes. mars' average temperature might rise to as much as 10 degrees C. that would be warm enough for bacterial organisms to exist, and eventually maybe some mamal life would form. we wouldn't get intelligent life because its too cold, but maybe some primitive mamals.

  4. Our moon has an insubstantial atmosphere.  It is very thin, and since the Moon's gravity is only 1/6th that of Earth's, it can't even hold on to its atmosphere.  Instead the little bit of atmosphere it's got is replinished by the solar wind.  

    I think you'd have to have a more substantial atmosphere on the moon first, before any actions could create climate change there.  

    As for seeding the atmosphere, I believe the movie, "Total Recall" used this idea to create 'blue skies on Mars'.  Although, in practical application the process would take hundreds of years, and not happen almost instantly as it did in the movie.

  5. Well ten, you've wasted your time utterly. To get a global warming effect, first, you need a substantial atmosphere. As the Moon has such a thin atmosphere that it is thinner than any vacuum that we can make on Earth, then its impossible to have any such thing happen on the Moon.

    Planetary bodies that are as small as the Moon, with as weak a gravity field, tend not to be able to hold any substantial atmosphere.

    So, 1) no, 2) no, and 3), no.

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