
Would it be possible for a human to be allergic to water?

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  1. No.  You can have some dieases where you drink an excessive amount of water and that gives you medical problems: water intoxication.  And it is possible for someone to be allergic to certain additives found in certain sources of water, but it is not possible to be allergic to water because water is not antigenic.  There are no antibodies that will recognize water as foreign.  

  2. maybe not allergic, but could be phobia (hydrophobia).

  3. No that is impossible the human body is made up of about 93-95 percent of water and without it you die.

  4. wow, youre dumb

  5. No considering that our bodies are made up of water, and you need it to live. There is such thing as drinking too much because it dilutes your blood.

  6. Yes it is possible! It is a very rare condition called Aquagenic urticaria which is a rare form of physical urticaria in which any contact with water results in hives.

    Almost one in 15 people will develop water urticaria at some time in their lives. Most often it affects teenagers or young adults. The hives will usually develop within 15 minutes of contact with water, and usually last between 10 and 120 minutes. The hives usually resemble raised red wheels, and are surrounded by additional redness.

    Sometimes the hives are the result of skin sensitivity to something in the water, such as fluoride, chlorine or another additive. Applying tap water and sterile distilled water to the skin, and observing the reaction can test this.

    Urticaria can be IgE-mediated, complement-mediated, or nonimmune-mediated. In aquagenic urticaria, theoretically, water interacts with sebum in the corneal layer of the epidermis. This interaction forms a compound that mast cells recognize as foreign; the cells degranulate and release histamine.

    It may not be so much of an allergic reaction, but more of a skin hypersensitivity (which is still an immune system response).

  7. no, becuz our body is mostly made up of  water nd it is one of those things we need to live

  8. No. For several reasons.

    1: Your mass is mostly water. To be allergic to water would mean you are allergic to what you are essentially made of.

    2. Allergies are an immune response. An allergy happens when something foreign(peanuts, for example) enters your body and your body mistakes it for foreign. It then triggers a giant response to protect you from that item. With things like food allergies and allergies to bee stings, your body mistakes something like peanuts as poison and overreacts, causing an allergic reaction.

    Your body cannot be allergic to what makes it. If water were harmful to your body you would never exist.

  9. no thats impossible  

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