
Would it be possible for an oscar to fit a ten gallon tank?

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Would it be possible for an oscar to fit a ten gallon tank?




  1. As a baby yes.  As a matter of fact, a whole brood of fry should be started out in a 10 gallon tank to simplify feeding and cleaning.  But with upward of 1000 fast growing fry, they'd need to quickly be culled and moved to successively larger tanks.  30 gallons for 1 adult oscar would still be on the small side, 55 more realistic.

  2. No. The inch per gallon rule is just a guideline and is best used for smaller fish. Oscars get too large and need a 55 gallon or more tank. Even as a baby it is best to keep them in a larger tank, so they will not get stunted and can grow freely.

  3. depends on the variety of oscar - find out how big the fish will get, and allow at least one gallon per inch of adult fish. most of them get about 8 inches long, so you would be able to keep ONE in a ten gallon.  

  4. sure it will fit

    it just wont survive

    most fish will fit in 10 gallons but just not live

    i think they need like 70 gallons

  5. not possible it would get stressed it needs a gallon size of 40+ gallons.

  6. it'll be too cramped it might not survive

  7. No. Oscars can grow to be 18", average is 12" and the dimensions of a 10g are 12x18x20. They need at least a 55g or 75g to be healthy and thrive.

  8. The simple answer is yes, in the short-term provided it was a baby, and no in the long-term. This species of fish is simply to large and too active for such a small tank volume. It's difficult I know, because we plan to get bigger tanks as our fish need them, but it's been my experience that in most cases things come about that prevents this, so best to chose fish more suited for the long-term in a tank this size.

  9. ya it would last about a month or two then you would need a bigger tank

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