
Would it be possible....?

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For someone to take so much IBprofen that your whole body gets completely numb?




  1. yes an overdose of anything would most likely kill you and the numbness would be a stage

  2. if your complete numb when your dead then yes it is possible to reach that point

  3. you can kill yourself with too much.

    They put it in physics because you let it go to the default, where the software tries to guess at a category from the words in your question. But you can change it.


  4. Read the instructions on the packet. If you take above the recommended dose in 24 hours you will cause damage to your renal system as well as possible gastric bleeding just to mention a few and both can lead to eventual death if there is no prompt medical attention.

    The chances of your body getting completely numb would be nil as you would be long dead from other complications caused by the overdose. Not only that pain killing drugs all work differently and are designed to be specific for the type of pain being treated. A rough analogy would be taking paracetamol or ibuprofen to kill or numb tooth pain as the dentist is drilling. It wouldn't have any effect only something stronger and specific for that type of pain would work. Why do you think the dentist injects the pain killer into the tooth nerve. I hope this makes sense as it is about the clearest I can make it in plain English.

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