
Would it be possible to build an extension on to my neighbours side?

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Would it be possible to build an extension over my neighbors extension? Is it possible to use the window of their extension and plaster over it or are there certain rules to building over neighbouring extension?




  1. Planning permission is unlikely, since your neighbour has a window there. Even without that you would need a party wall agreement with them before you could join your extension to theirs.

  2. You need to ask Planning and Zoning, there are so many regulations and so many varied one depending on where you live. Even in a single city the regulations can be vastly different.

  3. You need to provide more information.  Your description is not telling us anything.  Building on your neighbors property is a no no

  4. You cannot join your extension to theirs for a start. The wall/walls you wish to join to may not be strong enough to support the extra load.  You can only build up to the boundary line, but you may have to leave some space as a fire break. You certainly cannot cover their window for any reason whatsoever, and the wall WILL NOT become a party wall. A party wall is a wall which stands on the land of two different owners, as defined by the Party Wall etc., Act 1996. You need to apply for Building Reg's and Planning permission before doing anything. You will probably have to serve notice on your neighbours telling them of your intentions. They can serve a counter notice on you if they object to the work. The whole thing could cost you thousands in legal fees. I have no sympathy for you because you seem to be a selfish person who'll ride roughshod over others just to get what they want. Whatever you do, make sure you obey all the rules cos if your neighbours take exception to what you do I'm sure they'll be delighted to get you into trouble. I'm with them all the way.  

  5. With out knowing what is extended or to be extended. When neighbors are involved it will all come down to property lines and required easement of your local codes. Typically, it is not a good practice to over hang any other structure.

  6. Hi Teri.. If your neighbour was in agreement with the Idea (very unlikely) then you could go ahead & seek planning permission from your local authority.

    Couple of questions..

    1. Was their extension there when you moved in?

    2. Did they have consent of previous owners?.. of local authority planning department?.. they should also have what is called a 'party wall award' which is a legal agreement to what happens where two or more properties meet.

    also .. in law.. no window should open outwards over another property.

  7.   you must be kidding

  8. You cant touch anything that belongs to your neighbours, so thats a no!!!

  9. Foxi, Firstly, you cannot extend your property beyond the recorded boundry for your property. So the matter of the neighbors window does not come into the equation. A party wall is constructed to a solid 9" wall, for 2 reasons, one to prevent the spread of fire, and 2 to soundproof as much as possible, and this kind of wall seperates 2HOUSES not 2 EXTENSIONS. Encroachment on property which does not belong to you is an offence. If you do go ahead and build an extension without encroaching on your neighbors land, you could still be in bother, because you would be depriving your neighbor of his/her

    "Right to light and Air". If you are determined to build, then stay on your own ground, and avoid installing windows which face your neighbours.  

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