
Would it be possible to go to another state and get a passport if you owe too much child support in yours??

by Guest62158  |  earlier

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basiclly if you owe a lot of child support in the state you reside in currently if you move to another state can a passport be obtained in that state??




  1. Passports are federal not state governed, if you made em you should pay em

  2. sorry but i dont know;...  will some one plz read this

  3. Jerk....

  4. The states report to HHS the people who owe more than $2500 in back child support.  HHS gives a single list to the passport area, so if *any* state reports you, you are out of luck...unless you make payment arrangements and live up to them.  

  5. Why are you going to another state? If you are doing so to run away and not pay for your child, you will be found out sooner or later and will have to pay up. I think you should pay for child support before they force you to do it.

    I'm sure they have ways to find out you owe money, but I don't know who would find out, so you may or may not have the chance to do this. All you can do is go for it and see what happens.  

  6. Uh, no, passports are issued by the federal government, and it doesn't matter where you apply.

  7. you dont apply for a passport through the state.  passports are a federal government responsibility.

    but what i cant understand is why would you make your children be any more diadvantaged then they already might be?

    wake up...give them the best you have to offer. dont make them pay/suffer because you hate your ex.  you will regret this when they grow up and hate you because you did not love them as children.

    people who's dads regret being ******* :

    Shaq Oneal

    Michael Phelps


  8. passports are issued by the government, not the state. if anything, maybe you could get away with it for a short time, but i doubt even that

  9. Passports are a federal thing not a stat thing so the answer is no... Just grow up and pay your support....

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