
Would it be possible to grow habaneros in a pot indoors?

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I'm contemplating keeping a pot with a habanero plant on my desk @ work. My plan is to take a habanero, de-seed, & put the seeds in a medium sized clay pot with soil. I work under fluorescent lights & the temperature is always kept as a comfortable level. Would habaneros grow in this environment?




  1. I'm not sure but it is worth a try.  A friend of mine was throwing away some tulip bulbs so we thought we would see if they would grow in the house.  THEY DID. and they were so pretty.  We have been growing tulips in the house for 2 winters now.  We set the container (planter) on the kitchen table so they could get light from the sun, and just kept them watered.  Do you get sun light from a window?

  2. I had a friend who had a huge potted habanero plant for a couple of years. he eventually killed it trying to rid it of aphids by keeping it out in the cold.

    So yes it is quite possible to grow them in a pot but watch out for aphid infestation in winter. All peppers are perennials and can live over 100 years. They do need over 13 hours of light a day to flower and set fruit.

    As another answerer said dry the seeds before planting

  3. It's certainly possible.

    Three things:  If the habanero plant the seeds were taken from is not an heirloom it won't fruit much, but you'll still have a nice plant.

    Second:  Many fruiting plants have problems with bugs indoors.  So you'll need an insecticide or some organic product to contain them.

    Third:  The flourescent lights should work, but likely the plant will be in near hibernation mode for much of the time, again affecting it's fruits.

  4. You may be able to grow a plant, but my guess is that it will be leggy and never produce any fruits.  Peppers like full sun and heat, so an office situation would probably not work too well.

  5. you can do just that, but let the seeds dry up completeley before you plant them.  once the habanero plant grows you might want to re pot they need the moist from the soin under them.  by then you can start a new one for your office decoration.

  6. They like full big sun and specific light cycles (dark vs light) so you may want to think about finding "grow light" flourescent tubes to substitute for regular flourescents if you want to havest food.  Beauty plant.  Good luck.

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