
Would it be possible to run away to halifax by myself?

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I hate my life so much right now... I could find someone to stay with and get a passport and I have a debit card with 2000 dollars on it...but I would only stay for a couple of weeks and then come home. I'm sixteen. I don't know I just think ideally need to do some soul searching right now...I'm really lost. is this realistic?




  1. yes, it is possible.

    but once you get there what are you going to do?

    lol, its not really a that big city.

    anyways, running away from your problems is not the answer.

  2. It is probably not realistic.  A sixteen year old alone is easily taken advantage of, and you might find that you would very quickly be without your $2000.  Don't let that happen.  How would you find someone to stay with?  How would you know who to trust and who not to trust?  And how would you get a passport?  It is not as simple as just deciding you will apply.  If you are in Canada you need a guarantor and references and an address to get a passport - names and contact information of people who have known you for a while.  

    You know what?  We all hate our lives sometimes, but those feelings pass and things get better.  There are ups and downs in life.  My suggestion is that you find someplace where you can volunteer - maybe at a children's cancer ward or chemotherapy unit, at a senior's personal care facility, or even the SPCA.  Sometimes all we need to start feeling better about our own lives is to see the sadness and problems of the lives of others, and to offer our help and support.  If you truly feel lost, reach out to some others who are even more lost than you are, and who no longer have the strength to help themselves.  I know that you have the strength to help yourself, and you will get even more strength from helping others.  Take care.

  3. Are you American?  If you are the answer is no.  Unless the customs agents are really slacking they won't let a minor into the country without parental permission in the form of both being there or written notarised permission from the ones that are not there.

    If you are Canadian you don't need your passport and greyhound will sell you bus tickets.  Finding a place to stay could be problematic.

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