
Would it be possible to transport information into the past?

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If it's too difficult or impossible to transport physical matter (people) back or forward in time, could it perhaps be possible to transport data?




  1. that is a very good question i myself dont see how it would be posible but who knows if technology keeps advancing it may be posible

  2. If it was possible, wouldn't someone send information back in time to warn people in the world trade center, or in the tsunami, or the earthquake in china?

    If it was in an individuals hand, he or she might want to send sport scores back to himself and get rich.

    I am sure some egghead could lay out how its theoretically possible to transport data through time, however, there is a big difference between theoretically possible, and a working time machine.

  3. it's the same question with"is there a time machine?" in theory relativity it's possible and in quantum physics but i myself couldn't imagine how that possible. i think it's impossible. theres many assumption related to it. for example is there possible if you are from the future send back yourself in present to the past to meet you in the past? there are 3 of you with different age and knowledge. or do you ever saw anything from the future maybe your family? it's a basic psychology that a human will send back time to him/her self in the past to make him/her rich.

  4. It depends what you mean by information.  Physicists call a lot of stuff "information," such as spin states of atoms.  There is such a thing as quantum entanglement, whereas you can alter the spin state of an electron, send another electron far away, and have the distant electron react to changes in the 1st, even if they are separated.  When you read about scientists saying that they have successfully performed teleportation, that is what they mean.  

    As far as time travel goes, Einstein showed that time is just another dimension, like space, so there's no reason that says the equations for time travel aren;t any different than the equations for moving something through space - you just have to rotate them 90 degrees!

  5. A dream can contact persons who live in different epochs, therefore, it's possible. In fact, it happens.

  6. Nothing in our present theories about space time forbids it. Having said that I don't believe it will ever be possible because of the paradox's it would create. So for me the fact that it is theoretically possible just means that theres a flaw in the theories.

  7. If that was ever going to be possible wouldn't we be reading in today's newpaper about the amazing new data that we had just recieved from the future?

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