
Would it be....?

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Would it be extra-beneficial if one did nothing but read Qur'an and pray salat all-day long? (of course eat a meal too)




  1. God Himself has ordered us to do more than just if we sit around without doing anything then we would be nothing better than hypocrites... because to read the Quran we have to follow it as well...


    Hypocrisy = sign of disbelief

    and finally

    disbelief = shirk

    If we do shirk then what is the point of being muslim?


    If you dont give Zakat, if you dont fast in Ramadan (the month) and if you dont dedicate your life in helping others then you are deviating from the path God ordered us in Islam...

  2. plus if you have a job and spreading the word via it, it would be ultra-beneficial.

  3. Yes....the benefits, rewards, and blessings of Allah will be unimaginable. For every letter of the Qur'an u read, u get 10 blessings, so what ure asking, u will get millions, billions, a number only Allah Himself knows.

    Peace for all!

  4. I don't think this is possible ( leading a life like a monk ).

    In Islam we are encouraged to lead a normal life with jobs, responsibilities etc... as well as praying, reading Quran etc...
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