
Would it be racist to have a White History Month?

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Would it be racist to have a White History Month?




  1. This has to be the 1,000,000 time someone has said this.If you want it try to go for it nobodys stoping you.Good luck and be careful. :)

  2. No, but if you look at the history of whites, there's a lot of questionable issues, their treatment to the Indians, slavery, etc. But that's only one side of the coin and the positive aspect should be appreciated.

  3. Good question, but isn't that already what it was before any other cultures were recognized?  Doesn't seem like that's new.  Boy, that would also create a whole 'nother set of differences.  Because, then "white" would have to be defined.  Many fair skinned hispanics consider themselves white, as do fair skinned east indians and cubans, etc.  Many Italians are Italian while in Italy, but are "white" in America, and yet further, some Italians still consider themselves Italian in America, depending...  Would White include hyphenates?  Irish-French-Italian = White?   If all that were to be the case, then wouldn't history be merely repeating itself?

  4. okay a school year last 10 months one month out of the year is given to black history the other 9 months are white history months just b/c we don't call it that we assume ppl with normal intelligence know that

    dude, honestly when u were learning about  Columbus, the pilgrims and the mayflower, the thirteen colonies, and the early pioneers u did not know that was white history

    what did u think the steel barons were, black

    the signers of the Declaration of Independance were black

    duh all that was white history

    u get nine months and one freaking month out of year not even a full month and that bothers u

    Edit: Kipperso -well in AMERICAN schools we learn about famous white AMERICANS like  presidents, inventors (i.e eli whitney, edison) writers  (Heminway and Twain)  why would we learn about dutch ppl in the U.S.. like i said ppl with normal intelligience already know we have white history months


  5. Do we really need it?

    Think back to when you were in school.

    During history, what was the primary race that you learned all about?

  6. Wouldn't think so.  

  7. Yah it would, idk why but it would be the reaction of society. Only because of what the history was like with the white race and the indians or the white race and the African americans or the white race and the mexicans and the asians and now the middle you get me...? Really i dont care...we all have our history we''d like to show the world...hey what are we going to do, yah know?

  8. Im black....I dont think so...there is more to white history than slavery.

  9. if you mean European History Month then that would be cool :)

    they should also have a Native American Month and a Pacific Islander Month

  10. I think this is a great idea. About time someone said something! The double-standard is getting a bit much

  11. We have eleven of them every year.

  12. No way! That'd be great

    The other 11 months we dont get to learn about our heritage or anything! Im proud to be white and Dutch. There' s nothing wrong with that.

  13. I'm sure! But then we'd have to have one for every freakin ethnicity. It'd be an outrage!

  14. Like black history month, it would be racist.

  15. Yes, just like it's racist to have a black history month.

  16. Yes it would because majority of the White history would be owning slaves.

  17. NO!

    They should have Native american moth too!!  :)

    what's real though, is letting the past go, focus on the future and be positive about it!!!

  18. I don't think it would, but for some reason it's taboo.  I'm not sure why, since we recognize Black History and Hispanic Heritage.

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