
Would it be safe for me to go on rides?

by  |  earlier

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It's the state fair where I live and I'm about to go to it soon. About 2 weeks ago, I was is a car accident. I have no injuries, except for bruises across my stomach where the seat belt goes over and chest pain in the area where the seat belt crosses. I already saw a doctor the day after it happened and he said I was fine ( I had a chest x-ray and a Sonogram on my lower stomach to see if there was anything wrong with my spleen). I plan on going on rides, so what I wanted to know was do you think I would be fine? I'm not worried at all about the bruises, I'm more so worried about the chest pain ( it doesn't hurt 90% of the time, the only time it does is when I turn to the side pretty far or hiccup). So, do you think I would be okay enough to go on rides?




  1. It depends on the ride.  If you are going on roller coasters or ferris wheels you would probably be fine.  If you are going on let's say bumper cars, where you have impact and more jerking motions, you may have a problem.  It wouldn't permanently harm you, but may re-aggravate the symptoms and discomfort.  

  2. i think you will be fine, but you might experience some discomfort, which is expected.

    if you are worried at all you could always call your doctor and ask really quick.

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