
Would it be safe if I...?

by Guest45248  |  earlier

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... wrote a note to a girl in my class I like, whose already writing notes to some other guy?

PS: She moved here from Alaska, so I doubt the note is between friends. They're very flirtatious during class ever since today. BTW: Today was the day I was going to actually talk to here (I haven't yet)





  1. What is your gut telling you? It seems like you want this girl to notice you, and she will. Offer to help her if she drops her books, tell her you noticed her across the room and thought she would be an interesting person to meet. What ever you do don't ask her about her old life unless she starts to talk about it, would you like to be bugged about your old life when you probably miss it very much? She needs a new friend, and if you are the first one there you might also be a step up in the boyfriend section.

    About the other guy, don't worry about him. You just do what you need to do.  

  2. well I'm sure its perfectly "safe",unless this other guy is like 7 feet tall and weighs 300lbs...then don't go ahead.if you haven't heard that they are something...what is she going to do?she might be flattered that you like her so much.

  3. Nah, give them about 6 weeks and they'll be broken up.  Then you can start writing notes.   In the meantime, just make sure she notices that you notice her.   Then, as soon as something goes awry between her and the other guy, she'll be thinking of you.  

    Of course that course of action is not foolproof - it only improves your odds.    

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