
Would it be safe to buy my bird a bigger cage>?

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Ok here's the run down...

This bird has been with me and my family for a long time. Maybe like 6-7 years. Unfortunately, he has gone ignored almost the entire time. Water, food, some snack c**p that hanged from the barbaric cage walls.

Skipping the animal lover stuff... I want to give the bird all the care that I've given my dog. Now, he's a small bird like the one in this picture:

Besides trying to gain his trust and get him used to being out of the cage and free... I'd like to buy him a larger cage with more variety of things in it. It will take some time before he will be completely trustworthy of me so he will still spend a lot of time in the cage by choice. Is it wise to get him a much larger cage? He's used to such a small cage, I don't want him to get hurt or over excited.

The cage he's in now is about this size:

What do you think I should do?




  1. i had a bird and yes you should get a bigger cage so he can explore and be amused

  2. give him a big cage with long sticks to stand on

    and maybe a friend?

    let him out sometimes and try to feed him

    show hmi no harm

    good luck

  3. You don't say exactly what kind of bird this is, but as a general rule, the BIGGEST cage you can afford and can fit into the place you want to put it is always good. Depending on what kind of bird it is, BAR SPACING is as important as overall size. He won't get hurt or over-excited.

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