
Would it be smart for libs to stop using the "McCain is Old" argument?

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I mean... now that Palin won America--wouldn't it be great if McCain were old? So when he dies, we'd get one of the best presidents this country has ever seen...

Sarah Palin 2008




  1. do you really think mccain is good? i think he sucks and hope obama beats him!! if you disagree you should go vote for mccain on this site..

  2. Sure doesn't take much to convince you, does it!  This election has barely even started and you have declared the winner!  Since you have decided to be God maybe the rest of us shouldn't vote!  Or maybe we should just ignore you.

  3. You mean this one?

  4. Hey, don't give them any good ideas.  Besides, that McCain's mom is still around at 96 makes me believe he'll be around - for 2 terms if he so chooses.

  5. no because Mccain is too old and if something happens to him, Palin will become President if he gets elected.  That is scarey so Mccain stays old.

  6. So you don,t like McCain either ? Well you should remember that McCain will be commander and chief not Palin .  

  7. One problem with your premise.  She's still a Republican and as such would s***w over the middle class and working poor with more tax breaks for the wealthy.

  8. Yep, sounds great to me!

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