
Would it be tacky to register for a housewarming party?

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We recently purchased a house and I have been asked by a few friends to let them know where I register at for the housewarming. I have been told that registering for a housewarming is a growing trend and isn't considered as tacky anymore.

I was thinking about registering just for small things that come out to no more than about $50 but averaging around $20, and not indicating on the invitation that we are registered. I would only let people know I am registered if they ask.

Would this still be considered as tacky?




  1. I know that Miss Manners (Judith Martin) has dislike registries of ALL kinds, and I'm sure she would politely tell you to not even have a gift registry.  But she also knows that times change, and she must  grudgingly move forward into the new century, only at least to keep the essence of proper behavior involved.

    Likely she would consider a housewarming registry tacky, but it has become "custom" these days to have one, as with weddings and babies (again, she still considers them tacky).  But as with these other registries, the information is never put on invitations, but "issued" only upon request, and only directly to whomever is requesting the information.

    And always... be humble about it.  Wording such as this might precede the information:

    Oh, Mary!  You ALWAYS have such wonderful tastes! I know I can count on you to find something that would be just perfect for our new home.  Since you have asked, however, our registry is....

    See?  You are even trying to dissuade her from using the registry, and complimenting her at the same time.

    Have a polite day.

  2. Sounds like you are handling it well. I wasn't aware of this change in trend to register for a housewarming and if I found a note regarding the registry I would think it was tacky. However, you seem to have a good grip on the situation by not putting it on the invite. Have a happy housewarming and congratulations!

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