
Would it be too embarrassing for a middle-aged woman to start figure skating?

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gosh, i can only see kids on the rink LOL.




  1. definitely not! I do figure skating and ice dancing, and when I used to take group lessons there was a whole range of ages. In my figure skating lesson there was a 40 year old man and in my ice dancing lesson there were women aged from about 30-60. There was even a 60 year old couple who took ice dancing together, it was so cute!

    Anyways no of course not, you're never too late to start doing something. Learn to skate! Go for it!

  2. noway!

    im a figure skater and theres middle aged women out there and who cares if people think its weird but atleast your following your dreams (:

  3. Nope. If you want to do it then go right ahead! I know a lot of middle aged women who do things that you usually see kids or teenagers do. It really doesn't matter how old you are, if you want to do it and think you can then go for it! Sometimes middle aged women think that they can't do certain things because they're too old but it's because of that that you can't. Doing what you want can make you feel alive and if most middle aged people did the things they wanted to do then they would most likely feel young again.

  4. i wanna do figure skating! lol i dont think it would be embarassing so you shouldnt either

  5. If you're passionate about it then forget embarrassment.

  6. no it's not embarrassing at all am a figure skater and there are a lot of middle aged women out there skating and people actually pay no attention to you your just another person enjoying the wonderfull sport and if you go to your local rink they have adult classes so you will be with people your own age. We have recitals and a lot of the women join in I think that you should go for it.

  7. do what you want dont care what other people think

  8. no give it a try!

  9. In my opinion it would be embarrassing for a middle-aged woman to be sitting on the side lines watching. If you have a passion to do, then who cares what other people think.

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