
Would it be too hard now?

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The only sport I have ever played is basketball, but I want to start playing baseball. I have always played with my friends and my dad, but never for my school. I am 15 years old, so if I did play, I would have to start out on the high school team, and I know that high school coaches expect their players to know what they are doing by that time. Is it too late for me to start playing? I have a good arm and can hit pretty good.





  1. It will be harder to make it, but keep practing, and just try out, the worst that could happen is you dont make it. I know people who tried out for softball and it was their first year and made it, i say just try it. It couldnt hurt and you could be an amazing player. Good luck! =]

  2. you probably got 2-4 months til try outs so u better get to watching games and find a position ur comfortable with.good luck homie

  3. When I was in high school, I started playing soccer in my Junior year.  Never played before.  Within two months I was starting and also running the entire defense.

    You won't know until you try.  If you think you do alright when playing with your friends/family, give it a shot.  You might turn out to be quite good at it.

  4. Give it a try.  You will never know if you don't try.  If you don't make the team you know you at least tried.  If you don't try you will never know.

  5. Give it a try.  If your school has a JV team, you could do some of the learning on which you say you are behind.  Your teammates will help as well.  There is a place for good athletes on any team.

  6. It will always be difficult picking up a new sport after everyone there has been playing it 8+ years, but if think you have the talent there's no reason not to try.  If you don't make it, it sucks, but at least you can say you tried.  Just go out there with confidence and give it your best shot.

  7. Coaches love athletes, and it does not matter what sport you played outside of theirs. All that matters is that you are interested in learning and willing to stick to it.

    I have created a website service that is adding information daily about baseball and techniques and best practices. I suggest you take a look at it and feel free to email me with any questions at This is a professional service that I provide for the public so that we can educate kids just like you who are trying to pursure their dreams. Good luck and hope to hear from you.

    - The Professor

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