
Would it be way too corny and stupid to make vampires a species of fairy in my story?

by Guest34076  |  earlier

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I think it could work, but I don't know. I don't think I'm going to have vampires at all, because I think that they're cliche, but I was wondering if making them fairies would make them fresh.




  1. That could easily work.  It's not a new idea; I've seen it done before.

    In Wildwood Dancing, there are vampiresque creatures called "night people" that draw upon the same myths as vampires in the faerie world, and they fit in perfectly.  Also, it was mentioned in a really good short story in the anthology The Faery Reel.  I recommend you read those if you want to see how it fits in exactly.  In all actuality, I see no distinguishment between their two realms.  In Pierre Dubois'  The Great Encyclopedia of Faeries, a vampire hybrid is listed.

  2. Fairies?  You mean like Tinkerbelle -- tiny little sprites with wings and magic wands and pixie dust who are usually thought of as sweetness and light - or at least harmless?  You want to turn them into miniature flying Draculas?

    Why does that thought bring up images of humanoid-shaped mosquitos, LOL?  Seriously, if they're Tinkerbelle-sized, you wouldn't need a stake through the heart to kill them, just a big fly-swatter, LOL! They wouldn't be very dangerous, would they?

    Or maybe instead of "fairies", what you really mean is "elves"? Like the immortal Elven race in The Lord of the Rings, but they feed on human blood?

    I could see Elvish vampires a lot more so that fairy vampires, quite frankly.

  3. well, if you are going to make a vampire into a fairy i wouldn't call it a vampire anymore.  just call it a species of blood-sucking fairy.  that would not be that weird and could work.

  4. Um...I don't believe that vampires should be fairies at all. If you did want to add them to the story, I say you should make them the enemy. Like they were a band of fairies that went evil once because they ________________ <<<<<insert how! But yeah other than that I say you don't. Sorry to burst the bubble. ;_;

  5. My first thought is to say no, because they draw on very different folklore traditions, and have little in common.

    However, it could actually make for an interesting thing to explore. Undead faeries, who have become infected by vampires somehow, who prey on the living faeries. Evil undead faeries isn't something I've seen much of. :)

  6. Sounds good to me. But don't call them vampires, call them somethin else. And don't make them all cheesy and flying around lol. But vampire fairies sound cool

  7. Eh, it would be more unique than making them undead humans! Vampires are cliche only if you use a preset idea...try redefining what a vampire is and you might just have a very interesting idea there.


    I have to add. Vampires are fictional creatures that have been around since before the 'original Dracula,' Vlad Dracul, the Impaler. There is nothing that a vampire -has- to be. You can make up almost whatever the h**l you want. One of the first idea of vampires started with people who died of TB. Now, does that sound like what we describe as vampires today? Not really! Feel free to be completely different, you don't have to listen to what other people tell you a vampire is or has to be.

  8. No, I don't thin that would work.

    Fairies are fairies and vampires are vampires. You don't mix them.

    On the other hand, what you could do is make a fairies species that are alike vampires.

  9. Hmm, I don't think it's a good idea. As someone else said, they're very different creatures that draw on very different mythological traditions.

    However, there are some really nasty fairies running around if you dive into Celtic and Germanic mythology a bit more, and perhaps you could consider using one of them? Red Hats, for example, and kelpies/each uisge are generally described as being a type of fairy.

    Here are some good resources:

  10. I don't think they are cliche so I think if would be fine.

  11. Only if you make them a horrendous, terrifying, evil, ugly version of fairies that somehow make humans see them as cute and sparkly to lure them to their death... ie, human sees cute sparkly fairy and runs off into the secluded forest after it, 'fairy' goes to attack human, human sees terrifying evil thing and screams, but it's too late, the terrifying evil thing bites the human and sucks it dry. Think the fairies from the 'small worlds' episode of Torchwood - if you've never seen it, look it up on or a similar site. Don't worry about the characters and such, but it's a great example of the evil-fairy thing I was mentioning. Also, sort of what nerdy vegan was mentioning, the evil undead fairies!

    Although, if you do this, there's no room for good vampires, or at least not romance with the vampires in your story, cause it would be distinctly horror-ish. Cause if you have a vampire who was a fairy who was attractive, that would come across as a- really g*y, the term 'fairy' and the edward-cullen-esque image is bad enough, and b- a rip-off of Twilight, which given how not spectacular it is, is not something you'd want for your story.

  12. Do what you like, be creative, it's your story. And an awesome idea, I'd really like to read that. :)

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