
Would it be weird to have a winter themed wedding in the summer if it is inside a reception hall?

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My husband and I were married by justice of the peace, now we are planning our "real" wedding for next year. We were originally married in the winter, but want to do this in the summer. I am stuck on a winter theme because its elegant and beautiful and we were married in the winter originally. Would it be too weird?




  1. it would be different but I've seen it done!  

    you can do a winter in june type theme with winter colors and favors... people catch on!

  2. I don't think it's weird at all. You can do whatever you like :)

    I think this winter wedding favor will be perfect for your big day!

  3. i think if you really wanna do it , why no?!?! cuz ur wedding should be waat u aand ur husband want and really it doesnt matter wat other ppl want

  4. this is 2008...i have heard of dozens of unique weddings.  i think more people will actually want to go since it is so unique and different.  ever heard the expression "christmas in july"?  i think it will be fine just don't ask the quests to wear winter clothing if it is over 60 degrees outside, that would be cruel.

  5. It is your wedding - so whatever you choose, it is important for you, and it is  right. While some of your 'well meaning friends' may make sugggestions (?) toward anything else, simiply tell them it is your big day and you are doing it the way you want.

    .If you let someone try to change your mind, you may regret it the rest of your life.

    If they are not happy, that is their problem.

    Enjoy it and best wishes.

  6. I think that would be great! But honestly, it doesn't matter what we say, it's what you would like to do. But as far as thinking it's odd or weird, no, it's not. :)

  7. It's your wedding and you should do what you enjoy.  

    Plus, I think that would be wonderful.   It would be refreshing and quite original.

  8. Not at all, I think that is priceless.  People will give you kudos on the creativity.

  9. With the understanding that I think you are wasting your money since you already had a real wedding, I do think it's foolish to plan a winter wedding in summer.  Too weird.

  10. It isn't any different from people who do beachy tropical themes when there is snow outside. Some people may think it's a bit odd but it's not their wedding. Do what makes you happy and if someone doesn't like it, they can do things their way when it is their turn.

  11. I like the sentiment, but I think it would be a little surreal for the guests, walking into a room filled with snowflakes, snowy glitter, a Frosty the Snowman cake, and all that in the middle of the summer. It depends on how literal you are. If you did it with colors only (like dark blue and silver) and no obvious representation of winter, then I think it could be pulled off nicely.

    But at the end of day, you can do what you want and the guests will get over it.

    What does your fiance think about it?

  12. Personally, I think you should do whatever you want (after all, it's your day!!), and I agree that a winter theme is very elegant.  Besides, I live in Atlanta where it's about 3000 degrees right now, and my friends and I were just joking that we should get a snow day in the middle of the summer, just a quick break from all of this heat.  I think people would appreciate the unique idea.

  13. Yes, it's weird.  And it's also weird that you are planning a "wedding" when you are already married.  You had your wedding.  Plan a renewal of vows ceremony and an anniversary party.....not a wedding.  That ship has sailed.  How can you have a wedding if you are already man and wife?

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