
Would it be wise to relocate and start a new job at age 38? ?

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I have nothing holding me back besides my immediate family who have already gave me my blessings if I do decide to. My girl is more than willing to go but my friends don't know yet. I just feel like a new scenery and more pay (of course) are just the ticket with today's economy.




  1. Okay, so sometime soon you will be 39.  You can either be 39 wishing you had gone and tried a new place and all ways wondering "what if "or you can gamble on yourself, make the move and live life never having to guess "what might have been".  The hardest part is making the decision. Good luck with your new move ...I hope it exceeds your greatest desires.  

  2. It sounds like you have everything and everybody in your corner.  38 is not too old to do anything.  

  3. Nail down a good source of income and go for it! I left home at 19 and only returned to finish college and some other visits. I did a lot of things that never would have been possible if I had stayed in one place.

  4. If you have a gut feeling that tells you it's the right thing to do, jump at the opportunity.  If you really want to do this, the worst thing you could do would be to find a way to talk yourself out of going.  You don't want to carry regrets inside your head in the years ahead.  

    At age 37, I got married, moved to another country and changed careers.  It was the start of a new, better life for me, and I've been a lot happier because of it.  

  5. Dat's ok go for it.  

  6. i say go for it and do as you need to better yourself as well! there is always time to come back and visit.

  7. In my experience people rarely regret doing things; whereas they often regret not doing things.

    Given the only info you have given is that you are 38, I would say you probably have plenty of time for two or three moves! But only if you have the balls to make the first one...

    If you have the balls to do it, then you probably have the balls to make it work.

    If worry is the only thing holding you back, then moving will overcome your wories forever. If there are other reasons... well that is for you to decide.

  8. What does age have to do with it? Just go for it! If you don't, you'll be wondering about "what might have been".

  9. If you like the new job (not just the pay) go for it.  You might also consider that some places that pay more cost a lot more so more pay may not mean better life style.

  10. Take the chance! GO

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