
Would it be worse for Republicans to keep Sarah Palin or to drop her for another VP candidate?

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Would it be worse for Republicans to keep Sarah Palin or to drop her for another VP candidate?




  1. They're pretty much toast either way.

    But I think replacing her would be better even though that has many downsides too. If they keep her it's a strong reminder Republicans stick to their ideas even if it becomes very clear those ideas are wrong and Americans express their disapproval. Then the last months of the McCain campaign would totally echo the arrogance and indifference for public opinion of the Bush administration. Most Americans had more than enough of that, the most important reasons McCain, a 26 year Washington insider who voted with Bush more than 90 percent of the time, is desperately trying to claim the mantle of the change candidate and reformer.

  2. To drop her would be a mistake and to keep her too. It's a toss up

  3. Since there are so questions about Governor Palin and answers about her it would be wise to drop her from the ticket. If elected Governor Palin may have difficult time with the Electoral College. I have just read an official report in regards to Gov. Palin that said she had smoke marijuana when she was young.

  4. To drop her would be a lot worse. First of all, there is no reason to drop her. Obama has a lot more negatives than her, and nobody is dropping him. Second; if McCain were to drop her now, he would look like an indecisive fool with terrible judgment, and who's going to vote for him then?

    As for the comment that she smoked  pot when she was young...what a joke! What did Bush & Obama do? Stop throwing stones!

  5. Why would McCain even consider dropping Sarah Palin as his VP candidate? She is an excellent choice. (In my opinion.)

  6. If he drops her the Evangelical preachers are going to want their 10 million dollars back.

  7. I was wondering if maybe Palin was the set-up for the real VP pick who would look absolutely stunningingly good compared to Palin.

    But why such subterfuge? That would be because the real VP pick would be divisive and/or already "scorched earth" as far as their own electibility. Simply put forth as the first VP pick, it would have been a massive downer on Republicans' spirits. But, with a messy scandal plagued know-nothing no-experienced VP choice like Palin out of the way, Republicans would breathe a huge sigh of relief and would take just about anybody in her place.

    Sure, they talk the Republican talking points about Palin now but it's fairly obvious she was not vetted before being named and Joe Biden will absolutely shred her in their debate.

    Everybody will be glad if and when Palin announces she's decided to put family first and is withdrawing her name.

    Then look for Romney or Leiberman to get the nod.

    I don't agree with the pundits that Leiberman would split the Republicans. Republicans LOVE him.  

  8.        Gov. Sara Palin is the best VP Candidate we have ever had!

    It would be good for the Liberals if she left, it would be good for Senator Obama if she left and yes it would be good for you if she left but she isn't going anywhere!


                                Mc Cain & Palin  08!


  9. They have NO reason to drop Palin!

    She's a GREAT choice.  

    Besides, if they dropped her now,  they could kiss their victory chances good-bye.  


  10. Why do people, or shall I say, republicans think that Palin is such a force to be reckoned with? Who is she suppose to scare?

    I am not a dem or a rep. However, it seems like the republicans are the scared ones especially when they keep saying Palin is so great. It's like they are trying to convince people. It's not working.

  11.   Let's hope that Palin gets dropped in favor of a more qualified candidate with less baggage.  Obama could similarly replace Biden with someone more dynamic and less talkative.

  12. They're phucked either way.

  13. Sarah Palin is a KEEPER!

    Anyone McCain picked would have been attacked by the chattering class.

    A taxpayer voting for Obama is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.*

    Harlan Sanders founded Kentucky Fried Chicken. He was made a Kentucky Colonel in 1935 by Gov. Ruby Laffoon.

  14. They have made a Grave mistake with McCain and now want to recoup some votes. Men will vote for Sarah rather than A Black who has no experience     The entire Election is the worse of two evils as neither contestant is worthy of the office.  

  15. Why drop the woman the Dems fear so much. Why do you think they are attacking her so hard, they know DEEP down inside she is the Dem killer, even if they are too scared to admit it. .  

  16. Why would we drop a candidate who has demonstrated the ability to get things done, as opposed to whining about others' actions.  

  17. I think she should dropped and Romney should be picked up.

  18. Drop her. Dump Sarah Palin. That would be best for the Republican Party and would give Americans two good tickets to choose from. Otherwise McCain is just sinking his ticket.

    Watch these videos and ask yourself if the Republican Party should now be insisting that McCain dumps Palin forthwith and selects someone with rather more experience?

    Daily Show Governor Sarah Palin picked by John McCain for VP

    Reckless Judgment Threatens AMERICA

    A little light on experience, no? Not a position to learn on the fly. WHAT was he thinking?

    The Republican Party needs to tell John McCain to dump his first pick for Vice President Governor Sarah Palin and choose another more experienced person, such as the US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice or Senator Richard Lugar.

    Obama has got an experienced VP nominee - Senator Joe Biden. Now McCain needs one too.

    Join Dump Sarah Palin Yahoo Group

  19. why would palin be dropped?  Hurricane Sarah is about to become a CAT 5

  20. It would be best for the Democrats to drop Obama and get another candidate.

  21. They're toast either way. Why else do you think McCain and Palin have been holed up, cancelling press interviews? McCain's desperately trying to figure a way out of this god-awful mess his rash decision created.

  22. Same response I gave when some one asked if Biden should have been dropped for Clinton, NO the VP candidate shouldn't be dropped.  Once you make the decision, you live with the consequences unless we are talking about a very serious issue (not these stupid retarded, but her husband had a DUI 20+ years ago, her daughter is pregnant blah blah blah.  Get over these very MINOR things that are common in every day American life.).  If you quickly reverse your course and drop a VP selection you are admitting you made a don't do it.

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