
Would it be worth it to be looking for a sport bike at the age of 13?

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see im looking at a ducati i think those bikes are very s**y but not affordable do you think is worth looking at




  1. at that age, I would suggest learning to ride a dirt bike, Off road of course. There you can learn how to ride a bike and do wheelies ect. That means youll be more then ready when your old enough for a sport bike.


  2. NO

  3. no, you wont be able to legally ride it. Plus 13 is way to under for a street bike. A dirt bike would be ok

  4. keep looking. you are 13. your standards will change with age. you will be into different things, you will want different things out of life etc.

    you might change your mind 50 times before you will be able to get one.

    yeah Ducks are pretty, and beast performance wise, but not affordable (unless you or your daddy) has a job which pays $150k+ a year :)  

  5. I dont recomend it !

    you certainly dont have a lincence and the insurance would be super super high.... all the way till your like 21 o so.

    plus if you want a fast s**y bike it would be really have and hard to handle.

  6. What would be the point?  You wouldn't be able to ride it for at least 3 more years.  Even then, it would be smart to get some driving experience before hopping on a bike.  Besides, a Ducati never makes a good starter bike.  They are too expensive and fast.

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