
Would it be worth it to buy two mini pci 802.11n cards and a wireless N router with a 6mbit connection?

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will i see a difference ? im running two desktops (wired) and two laptops (wireless) currently.. i have a 500gb WD mybook that i use as a file server for my home business. the speeds seem a little slow.. i know ill see a diff on dl data from the 500gb HDD but will i see a diff in speed when dl say music or streaming off my current router which is a wireless G. vista bellsouth dsl 6.0Mbit nmt 50 yards for wireless.




  1. the answer is yes.... you will see the difference in speed and distance using the N router and N cards... if you was to use the N router with G cards there would be no difference in speed or distance..  

  2. a wireless N router will speed up your internet. With a 6 meg connection, it should smokin fast. You gotta remember some things, a wired internet connection is always better speed wise than wireless. 2. the more computers you have using the router the more it will slow down the share the connection. my advice, get the N router and dont use so many connections if you wanna see more speed.

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