
Would it be worth it to upgrade memory on my macbook? ?

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i have a 2.1 ghz macbook with intel core 2 duo processor with 1 gig of ram and gma x3100 graphics card. i want to play games like F.E.A.R., Doom, and Crysis through bootcamp/Windows. would it make a big difference in how the computer handles the graphics if i were to upgrade to 2 gig or 4 gig? i know it will be a little slower than a pc regardless but would it help out or would it not matter? What else could i do to make the game handle better on this computer?




  1. if u think it is worth ur money, do it. the graphics card is whats gonna have the biggest impact on the game, it cant be upgraded since it is integrated. good luck.

  2. Whatever the computer it always better to upgrade memory from 1gb to 2gb

    go to the above site it has reviews for your card and should answer your question about games

    and unless you have a 64 bit operating system do not get 4gb ram as it cannot use it

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