
Would it be wrong to melt a gold ring my grandmother gave me?

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My grandmother lives in Mexico City, that's where my family is from. She always sends me coin ounces of silver on my birthdays. Some years ago, she sent me a big gold ring with my initials on. The ring is really bulky and tacky, it's around 2 ounces of pure gold. The thing about many gold rings made in Mexico, is that although they are pure gold, the craftsmanship is not the best.

I've taken it to jewelers to have appraised, and they all agree it's worth around 2000 dollars just for the gold.

I would really like to wear it, but it's too big, I don't want to look like a rapper from a hip hop video.

I was thiking I could either make several rings out of it, or make a gold coin that reads "Abuela" (grandmother in Spanish.)

Can I melt the ring, or should I keep it the way it is?




  1. Yes, I would melt it and make something you'd be more likely to wear.

    It would be wrong to melt it and sell the gold.

    I think your grandmother would actually prefer you to melt it and make something you would wear than not wear it at all or sell it.

  2. Something like that you keep. The gold may be worth 2000, but the ring is priceless. If it is too big, have it re-fitted. Don't make things complicated. You can pass it down generations. Your oldest daughter (if you have one) should get it) then she can pass it down, and so on. All because your grandma felt you should have it first. Don't ruin this, because you want a fast buck. Money comes and goes, this will last lifetimes.

  3. keep it!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Keep it the way it is

    She gave it you for you to obviously keep

    Appreciate the way she gave it to you

    Trust me in the long run you will regret melting it down

  5. yes it would be wrong

    how could u think of doig that u dont have to wear the ring just keep it  she gave it to u one day when she is gone it will be a memory of her if u melt it ur evil and will regret it

  6. When I first read the question, I said No way.

    After reading your explanation, I say "yes".

    I think you grandmother would want you to have something you will enjoy wearing and that fits you.

    To have the gold melted down and have a ring that fits you would be great.  The rest of the gold you could make a gold coin with "Abuela" engraved on it.  Put a gold band around it and get a gold chain and ware if like a necklace.  You probably already have a gold chain that you could use.

    Or make a second ring a little widder and have "Abuela" engraved on it.  I like the idea of a ring special for you and a coin necklace with "Abuela" engraved on it.


  7. If you see her frequently or ever I would keep it the way it is. But if you never see her do whatever you want.

  8. idk u could melt it and buy a new one with the money so u dont hurt ur grandmothers feelings

  9. don't melt it, if you mess with it it will only be worth less

    you can trust (almost) none of the jewelers out there

    Gold is worth a lot, and was of better quality just a few years ago.

    just don't let jewelers get their hands on it, or it may no longer be pure gold.

  10. Why don't you talk it over with your grandmother?  I don't think she'd be offended, especially if you chose the second option with the coin.  

  11. well it was definatly an at heart gift from your grandmother... i would do anything to change it. Instead of wearing it on your finger try wearing it on your neck.

  12. keep it the way it is to pass on to generations. it was done from your grandmothers heart and soul.  

  13. You should probably take it off first.

    By the way, you should honour your grandmother but to me that has nothing to do with material goods.  We seem to treasure things more than people and thats the real tragedy of the world.

  14. Keep it, I think your grandmother would be happier singing her gifts intact.

  15. keep it...its from her heart...i have tons of jewlrey that I would never wear but that I look at and it brings back memories of that person...

  16. if you're stupid enough to burn it then i say keep it on your finger... then burn it! the pain you would feel is the equivelt to the pain she would feel!

  17. I reckon melt it!

    then make another ring for your granny

    n then make one for u!

  18. Keep it the way it is, in a few years you will like it and I bet she tried reaally hard to get you something nice with your initials on. Bless her.

  19. I don't think it would be wrong to melt it and make other jewelry out of it. Its better to do that and get something you like rather than not wear the ring because you don't like it, especially considering that it is expensive.  

  20. Melt it the way you like it and wear it with the same initials. Its better to be proud and wearing it than to be a hypocrite and ashamed of what it is. Your grandmother will still be happy as long as you can explain why you change it. Blame it on the size of your finger or something that would help I hope.

  21. Remember, it could be an heirloom, or once your grandmother passes on, something to remember her by.

  22. You can hold on to the ring to pass it on to your children, grandchildren, or other relatives. It's a family heirloom!

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