
Would it better?if i mix some pain killers together or harmful?

by  |  earlier

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i m having moody day and my body is aching to the bone,would it be good enough to mix together and drink with them some sleep herbs pills?to knock me out for some days




  1. Really? Are you being serious hon?  You should know that you could go into a coma or experience serious, life threatening side effects if you do this.  Thinking that you will sleep for a few days is the least of what will happen.  If you are depressed go see your doctor or talk to a friend or a close family member  (if possible).   Misusing or overdosing on pills and alcohol on purpose is just a horrible way to abuse your body.  Please take care of yourself!  

  2. Mixing painkillers is bad enouigh, but also adding alcohol is very dangerous. Dont do it.

  3. Don't be silly!! If you are very achey then you can take 2 paracetamol and 2 ibruprofen together as 'brufen is an anti-inflammatory but don't mix different types of pain killer, that's just dim!

  4. Don't mix the pain  pills and drinking it is like playing with fire you don't always get burned it is that you just don't know when you'll be burned..

    You might also think about call a suicide help line

  5. Ask Heath Ledger. Oh wait, he died doing that.  

  6. Poppet you don't wish to die.

    If you did you would not be on here now asking

    If you should take a cocktail of medicines.

    We all have down Days,some worse than others.

    If it helps you to know,I am in continual agony.

    I have a number of complaints and rely on pain killers and other tablets just to make it through the Day.

    I was told by a Specialist that I would have to live with my condition and cope as best I could.

    I have done precisely that for however many Years now.

    Life is short enough and we can't always be Happy,

    or have things go the way we want.

    What we can do however is take one Day at a time and Treasure it. There are so many people out there with Nothing, and No one.Concentrate on all that you have,

    and be Grateful you have it Sweetheart.

    If you are in a lot of pain visit your GP. or manage it, as best you can. Please look at your Life in a different way than you are now. Ending it will solve nothing,

    Life is all about Fighting to do our best and help others less fortunate than ourselves. God Bless you Sweetheart. Be strong and stay safe.x

  7. alcohol and pain killing tablets are not good..DO NOT DO IT!!

  8. It would be a very bad idea.  Even if the pills are herbal ones, herbal pills medications are still pharmaceutics.  It is not important if they officially do not qualify to be placed in that category in order for them to be dangerous.  A lot of standard medications are herbal or organic in nature.  Not all of the recognized pharmaceutics are synthetic drugs.  They all are nevetheless potent and controlled.  I think that stronger controls need to be placed on the retailing and dispensing of herbal pills and supplements.  Just because a medication or pill is sold over the counter does not mean it is necessarily safe.

    In order to knock yourslef out for a week, you obviously would need to take a lot of medication, and you would risk accidentally overdosing on the pills.  The notion that you might make a cocktail out of it sounds ominous.

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