
Would it bother you if your partner change their hair colour or lenght ?

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I had a girlfriend once that did not speak to me for about a week after I had cut my hair very short.




  1. ummmm it depends on the cut and how it looks on him .. but yeah I guess it'll bother me if he change his hair color without telling me first :)

  2. It bothered me when my husband shaved his head last year - he changed from an elderly guy with little hair just on top to  a little wizened old man - he looked like Alf Garnett in the television series  "Till Death us do Part"!

  3. I had long hair which I cut shorter (not short) very recently and when I got home, hubby said, why did you do that? Not even that looks nice or anything. He hates when I cut my long hair which I seem to do every two years. I get cross with him when he shaves his head on a number two - looks like he came straight from the army.

  4. I think i'd be upset if my man suddenly grew his hair. I love my man clean shaven.

  5. Some times it bother you. But if she didn't talk to you just because you had a hair cut. Then she is just passing a time with you. She just want you to look smart so she can show her freinds that her boy friend is cool.

    I'm also having a boyfriend and we are into this relationship from last 6 years and now a days my boyfriend start becoming bald because of some scalp problem also he is suffering from survical. But all these problem doesn't make any changes in my love and care.

  6. Nope... well, if he relaxed it I'd surely have a huge issue with it. o man should have hair that looks longer and better than his girlfriends  especially if he's black. I preffer no hair or at least dreads (long ones dont bother me as long as they're clean)

  7. No, my husband has gone from very long hair to very short. He would be the first to admit that a slightly balding man looks ridiculous with long hair.  And I have dyed my hair red and he loved it.

  8. Not really because at the end of the day it's not just the out side of that person it's who they.

    My boyfriend would go mad if I cut my hair short. He loves long hair! But I love my long hair and wouldn't do that.

    If my man grew his hair long I'd not like it as much just because he doesn't suit it at all. Plus if he died it some terrible colour like bright blue I'm sure I would not be the only one to not like that! LOL

  9. Not at all. If she feels like a change of hairstyle, why not?

  10. I really like woman with long hair. When my wife decided to cut hers, I grew a beard. It did not take long for everything to go back to normal.

  11. I discuss it with my hubby when I want to cut my hair. I explain to him what I want it to look like and if he approves it gets cut that way. If he doesn't I'll look for a different style.

    I do this because of the fact that he has to look at me at home and if he doesn't like it, it's going to bother him until it has grown again. Neither of us have a problem with me colouring away the gray hairs, though.

  12. Yeah it would bother me. I like my man to have short hair. Besides it would look strange on him anyway.

  13. My husband told me plenty of times that he will be VERY upset if I cut my locks off. Well I do not really mind, actually i would......imagine he grows his hair shoulder lenght and die it black!!! I would be quite embarrassed.

  14. I wouldn't mind a colour change now and again, I in fact told my wife last weekend that perhaps a colour change would be refreshing, perhaps red, she didn't speak to me for 3 hours, women, they take everything said to have hidden meanings and agendas, if she had asked me I would have done it.....

    As for the lengh, no, she must maintain at least shoulder lengh hair, I didn't marry a man and certainly don't want to be seen in public with a woman sporting a man's haircut.

  15. No, how a person wear's his/her hair is a personal choice - I don't think anyone else should have a say in it.

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