
Would it hurt really badly to get a tattoo on my leg/ankle/foot?

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it's of a flower that stretches up from the arch of my foot around my ankle and about halfway up my leg. would that be more painful around the foot and ankle than other areas like my calf?




  1. all tattoo's hurt but i would say to get it on ur leg because any time its on bone it's gonna hurt more than usual

  2. For me all tattoos hurt, sorry

  3. I got one a few years back on the outside ankle....not nearly as bad as I thought and I don't like pain. Go for it!  It will only hurt for a little while while they are actually drawing it. Good luck!

  4. all i know is that tattoos hurt on areas where the bone is close to the skin so i would think that it would hurt more on ur feet and ankles where its more bonier.

  5. Tattoos are painful, but it is a pain that can't be described.

    I have one on top on my foot and it wasn't too bad. It isn't very big and so that is probably why.  I have one on my back that took over 2 hours and when I was almost finished it was quite painful.  The longer is takes the more painful.

  6. i got mine by my pinky toe and it hurt

    but i got tense and stopped breathing so they stopped because i almost passed out

    so yeah it hurt for me

    my friend got one across both feet and she almost fell asleep because she didn't feel any pain

    but she has a high pain tolerance

    so it really depends your pain tolerance and how boney it is

  7. tattoos hurt no matter what

  8. It depends on your tollerance for pain.  I think it would be more painful than the calf because there is plenty of meat on the calf.  I got oneon the inside of my arm, part of it nearly in my armpit, and didn't hurt as bad as everyone said it would, so it just depends on the person really.

  9. This question has been asked over and over again.  Tattoos all hurt to some degree, it is a needle going in and out of your skin.  As to how much, no one can tell you.  That is up to you and your body.  What hurts me might not hurt you or it could hurt you more.  The bottom line is that the pain is only temporary and will be gone.  The tattoo is forever.  If your worried about the pain, you don't want the tattoo enough and shouldn't get it.  If you really wanted the tattoo you wouldn't even be thinking about the pain. Look at all the people walking around with tattoos all over the body, if it was that bad you wouldn't see everyone with one. Good Luck!

  10. the calf isn't too bad because there's plenty of muscle there. It's the foot and ankle that will hurt.

  11. they all hurt

  12. i have a peace sign on the inside of my ankle down by my foot which wasnt to bad but i dont have any on my calf but there is a lot of muscle there so it shouldnt hurt to bad

  13. use the search bar

    leg tattoo hurt:

    ankle tattoo hurt:

    foot tattoo hurt:

    that took me 3 seconds

    and there were hundreds of results for each one

    none of us can tell you how bad something will hurt you

    but of course the foot/ankle will hurt more than your calf

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